No matter your story, we can help you make sense of God and sex.

Biblical resources for real-world questions.

Safe community to build trust.

Meaningful discipleship to deepen your faith.

Honest questions about sex

can feel scary.

Can God still love me in spite of what I’ve done?

We’re working on our marriage, but I still hate sex.

My teen is asking about LGBTQ, trans, and their pronouns.

How could I ever heal from my sexual trauma?

Hi, I’m Juli Slattery and I’d love to help you make sense of God and sex.

I’ve always had a passion for helping people apply the Bible to every day life, so I became a clinical psychologist. For the first few decades as a professional, I juggled parenting with part-time clinical and ministry work. About a decade ago, I sensed the Lord calling me to specifically focus on sexuality. Everywhere I looked, I saw sexual pain and confusion that the church didn’t seem to be addressing. I’m so glad you found this website and hope that the content and community will be an encouragement to you on your journey!

See the latest from our
Resource Library

Q&A: Is masturbation bad?

Is your spouse’s porn problem your fault?

Why We Need to be Better at Caring for Divorced People in the Church
#519 Why we Need to be Better at Caring for Divorced People in the Church

Laura Petherbridge shares her experience as a divorcee and explains how to walk in love and empathy to those who have experienced divorce.

How To Fight For Integrity In A Hyper-Sexualized World
How To Fight For Integrity In A Hyper-Sexualized World

Juli suggests some steps Christians can take as they pursue Godly living and surrendered sexuality in our hypersexualized world.

What others have to say …

Jackie Hill Perry
As expected with someone with Juli's experience, her words are informative, insightful, and just plain ol' wise.
Jackie Hill Perry
Author. Teacher. Poet.
As expected with someone with Juli's experience, her words are informative, insightful, and just plain ol' wise.
Jackie Hill Perry
Jackie Hill Perry
Author. Teacher. Poet.
Dan B. Allender  Ph.D.
Authentic Intimacy addresses some of the deepest sexual questions, struggles, and wounds of our era. It is a rare gift to the body of Christ for their remarkable wisdom, depth of experience, and passion for Jesus to be united to offer hope and direction.
Dan B. Allender Ph.D.
Professor of Counseling Psychology and Founding President // The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology
Authentic Intimacy addresses some of the deepest sexual questions, struggles, and wounds of our era. It is a rare gift to the body of Christ for their remarkable wisdom, depth of experience, and passion for Jesus to be united to offer hope and direction.
Dan B. Allender  Ph.D.
Dan B. Allender Ph.D.
Professor of Counseling Psychology and Founding President // The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology
Jonathan Daugherty
Authentic Intimacy is a beacon of truth and hope in a world that struggles to know and embrace the beauty and goodness of God's design for sexuality. We are honored to call AI a friend in this space of ministry and wholeheartedly recommend everything they do and stand for.
Jonathan Daugherty
Founder at Be Broken Ministries
Authentic Intimacy is a beacon of truth and hope in a world that struggles to know and embrace the beauty and goodness of God's design for sexuality. We are honored to call AI a friend in this space of ministry and wholeheartedly recommend everything they do and stand for.
Jonathan Daugherty
Jonathan Daugherty
Founder at Be Broken Ministries