FBI to handle the re-investigation of the case involving the death of Tamla Horsford

FBI to handle the re-investigation of the case involving the death of Tamla Horsford

May 4, 2019
Petition to
Signatures: 735,674Next Goal: 1,000,000
194 people signed this week

Why this petition matters

Started by Forsyth Exposed

We are demanding the FBI, to handle all aspects of the investigation. 


People have been asking on how to contact the sheriff's office, these numbers and emails are public information,. I will add more as I am given that info

Ron Freeman- Forsyth County Sheriff






Andy Kalin - Lieutenant that oversaw the case.





*Edited to Add* Forsyth County, Georgia. Not to be confused with Forsyth County, North Carolina. 

Learn more about the case here Justice For Tamla Horsford 

Learn more about Forsyth County Forsyth Exposed

Forsyth Sheriff-(770) 781-2222  Forsyth Sheriff's Office

Ronnie H Freeman is the current sheriff in Forsyth County. His office was in charge of the death investigation of Tamla Horsford. 

There are several issues with his investigation. First, the lead supervising investigator, Andy Kalin, was friends with one of the persons of interest, Jose Barrera. Andy Kalin, a personal friend of the sheriff, was hired after Ron was elected sheriff. Andy had no prior police experience but was hired in at a high position, bypassing the Forsyth County new hire protocol. Which includes a polygraph, background testing, etc.

Ron Freeman's 2016 Campaign Manager, Anna Debolis is friends with most of the person's of interest. Not to mention that Jose Barrera has been a long time employee that works directly with the Forsyth County sheriff's office. 

 The first step in getting Justice for Tamla Horsford is getting Ron Freeman out of office as sheriff, he is corrupt and unethical and is obstructing Horsford's friends and family of justice. 

The hope is if Ron gets fired, sent to jail or whatever, there is a higher chance Tamla Horsford's Case gets re-investigated

Sheriff Ron Freeman has a history of protecting his own personal interest instead of the community and safety. Of community safety and interest when it comes to justice. He resigned from the city of Brookhaven in 2014 after being caught trying to alter the personnel file of an officer who was fired for posting racially insensitive photos online. Sheriff Ron Freeman had this same officer help his campaign, and he subsequently works at the coroner's office now. 

Jeanne Meyers, Nichole Lawson, Stacy Smith, Jose Barrera, and Tom Smith, need to be re-investigated and questioned about what happened on the night of Nov 4th. Someone knows something, and between Dunkin Donut gift cards,(Jeanne attempted to bribe detectives with gift cards during the investigation) and privilege, someone has gotten away with murder!

Ron has multiple dealings with persons of interest and allowed them to meddle with the investigation, bully, and harass the victim's friends and family. Their numerous inconsistent stories do not add up. There was evidence that was overlooked or thrown away.

Please sign this petition to show support to the St-Jour, Horsford Family.

194 people signed this week
Signatures: 735,674Next Goal: 1,000,000
194 people signed this week
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Decision Makers

  • Brian KempGovernor of Georgia
  • Brian KempGovernor of Georgia
  • Christopher CarrState attorney of georgia
  • Chris HackreFBI Director
  • Judge Jeffrey Bagleyforsyth county superior court judge