Mutton Stew

Recently, I got a comment from someone about comfort food. What that person shared was he / she was under the impression only veg food like rice and dal can be considered as comfort food! For a min, I was confused, I thought I wasn't reading it correctly, well I was wrong! What do you think? What's your comfort food, do you make a distinction between veg and non veg when it comes to comfort food?

For me, Appam and Stew always tops the list of comfort food. Appam is just something that I cant say “No” to. Irrespective of how it looks or tastes, I need to eat at least one whenever it's offered to me. I think I've said it before also… I like my stew to flow over the crispy rentha (edges) of the Appam and soak it completely, just writing this itself is making me hungry!! Also I prefer coconut milk based gravy to go with Appam.

I've already posted a Mutton Stew recipe before, but it's not exactly a traditional one. As per my limited knowledge in cooking, we dont usually add tomato in stew and not many masala, just the whole  (cardamom, cloves and the like) spices. So I've modified the recipe and also there is step by step pictures.

I do hope you get to make this simple yet tasty, flavourful stew with Appam. Make sure you use good quality mutton to get the maximum flavour out of the dish.

You can have this stew with Appam, Kallappam, Idiyappam, Puttu, Chapathi and Bread.

Here is the recipe…

Pressure cook mutton with crushed ginger & garlic (1 tbsp, each), green chilli (3), cubed potato, salt, pepper powder and 2 cups water, till mutton is cooked…

Step 1 Mutton Stew
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Heat oil in a deep and wide pan and add the crushed whole masala (cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, fennel seeds and peppercorns). Fry for a min. Add sliced onion and cook till it begins to brown (no need to brown)…

Step 2 Mutton Stew
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Add crushed ginger & garlic (1/2 tbsp, each), green chilli (2) and curry leaves. Cook for 2-3 mins, till the raw smell goes…

Step 3 Mutton Stew
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Add the cooked mutton along with the gravy. Mix well. Bring it to boil, simmer and cook for 5-7 mins, till the gravy reduces a bit…

Step 4 Mutton Stew
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Add medium thick coconut milk and mix well. Bring to boil and simmer for 7-8 mins…

Step 5 Mutton Stew
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Add thick coconut milk and mix well. Cook for 5-7 mins, till the gravy becomes thick. Let the stew rest for half an hour for the flavour to settle in…

Step 6 Mutton Stew
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Delicious Kerala Mutton Stew (Step-By-Step Recipe)
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Mutton Stew

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Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: Indian, Kerala, South Indian
Servings: 5 -7
Author: Maria Jose Martin


  • 1 kg Mutton / Beef (measured after cleaning)
  • 1 tbsp Crushed ginger and garlic (each)
  • 3 Green chilli (slit lengthwise)
  • 2 small -med Potato (cubed)
  • 1/2 tsp Pepper powder
  • 4 Cardamom
  • 4 Cloves
  • 2 small pieces Cinnamon stick
  • a pinch Fennel seeds
  • 5-6 Whole black peppercorns
  • 2 med – big Onion (sliced)
  • 1/2 tbsp Crushed ginger & garlic (each)
  • 2 Green chilli (slit lengthwise)
  • 1.5 cups Medium thick coconut milk
  • 1 cup Thick coconut milk
  • Salt
  • Coconut oil


  • Pressure cook mutton (refer notes) with crushed ginger & garlic (1 tbsp, each), green chilli (3), cubed potato, salt, pepper powder and 2 cups water, till mutton is cooked.
  • Heat oil in a deep and wide pan and add the crushed whole masala (cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, fennel seeds and peppercorns). Fry for a min. Add sliced onion and cook till it begins to brown (no need to brown).
  • Add crushed ginger & garlic (1/2 tbsp, each), green chilli (2) and curry leaves. Cook for 2-3 mins, till the raw smell goes. Add the cooked mutton along with the gravy. Mix well. Bring it to boil, simmer and cook for 5-7 mins, till the gravy reduces a bit. Add medium thick coconut milk and mix well. Bring to boil and simmer for 7-8 mins. Add thick coconut milk and mix well. Cook for 5-7 mins, till the gravy becomes thick. Let the stew rest for half an hour for the flavour to settle in.
  • Serve with Appa, Idiyappam, Puttu, Roti or Bread


You can also use Beef for this recipe.
To pressure cook mutton – Pressure cook on full flame till the first whistle comes. After that, reduce flame to low-medium and cook for 8-10 whistles. Keep it closed till the pressure drops, around 10-15 mins. The cooking time may vary depending on the type of mutton you use. I use Indian Mutton for this recipe.
The stew tends to thicken as it rests, so adjust the consistency accordingly.
Tried this recipe? Let others know by…mentioning @mariasmenu or tagging #mariasmenu
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5 thoughts on “Mutton Stew”

  1. Hi Maria,
    I have tried another mutton stew ( I believe so) few years back. The one in which I had to add fried potatoes at the end.
    It was really yummy. I was looking for that recipe and happen to see this. As I could not find the other recipe I will
    Try this now.
    I was disappointed when I couldn’t find the one I was liking for. I regret not saving it as a screen shot. If you still got it with could you please upload.

    • Hi Rani,

      I updated the recipe sometime ago and that’s why you are not able to see the old one. Hope you got a chance to try this one. You can add fried potatoes in this one too :)



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