Tangible Analytics Consulting, SHELTON CT

Tangible Analytics Consulting

Shelton, CT
Our Ideal Customer

Tangible Analytics Consulting, LLC is a private consulting firm that specializes in data analytics, business intelligence integration and reporting and outsourced research for smaller businesses, municipalities and government organizations focused on improving performance, profit or efficiency with custom data models and strategy to better manage financial and digital resources, interpret data and deliver solutions.

We act as a resource for business owners, managers and decision makers to provide actionable insight and data-driven strategy to help organizations make better business decisions.

About Us

My goal is to act as a resource for business owners, managers and decision makers to provide actionable insight and data-driven strategy to help organizations make better business decisions. Let us make your data Tangible.

How We Got Started

I saw a need for businesses that can't afford to hire a full time analyst at a full time salary. We fill this need by providing affordable price points and levels of consulting for businesses of all sizes.

Products & Services
Our skills and certification in SAS products helps us help you identify trends and create models that can be implemented on all of your company's d...
All of the information you need in one place. Created and managed by Tangible.
Years of internal accounting and finance experience has helped us learn how to make your processes more efficient, ultimately saving money and incr...
Recommendations Given (5)
"Joe is extremely professional and thorough. He constantly gives back to his community. ..." Read more "Joe is extremely professional and thorough. He constantly gives back to his community. Definitely recommend Furnari Law LLC. "

Our Recognition

We're highly recommended by locals on Alignable

Highly Recommended

By 5+ Local Business Owners!

Our Team

Bryan Tamburrino from Tangible Analytics Consulting
Bryan Tamburrino