The Female Quotient’s Post

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📢 TWO WEEKS NOTICE 📢 The American job market has experienced the most significant job loss numbers in over 50 years. 38 million workers quit their jobs in 2021. Many refer to it as the “Great Resignation”… but we prefer the term, the Great Re-Evaluation – a time for workers to re-evaluate what they want for themselves, and their careers. It’s also a time for employers to re-evaluate their policies, and make changes to keep top talent! We asked our community to share their Great Re-Evaluation stories. Stories are anonymous. ➡️ Why did you decide to quit your job? My boss was adamant that I stay in the same position on his team for the next 10 years as long as it benefitted him, without room for growth or other opportunities.    ➡️ What was the last straw that made you decide it was time to move on? I had contacted HR about moving positions within the company, because it was clear to me that my boss wouldn’t let that happen. When I contacted HR again a week later for next steps, she replied "Oh, I had hoped everything had been resolved on it's own.” I point blank stated for HR that I couldn't work under him comfortably anymore. I detailed how he wasn’t doing his job - he was passing off his work responsibilities to me, even though within home lending I wasn’t legally allowed to perform many of his duties. He didn’t network for new clients, he micromanaged, and he would nitpick myself and my coworker to death. He was an egomaniac who wanted all the recognition without putting in the work. He’d often make snide comments about women in senior leadership positions, hoping for their downfall. I realized that he would never allow a woman be promoted or grow in their careers past his own. He only wanted to use us as a pedestal to his own success.    ➡️ How did you quit? I received an offer letter so I immediately printed my two week resignation letter and handed it to my boss. I was very candid that I had been offered a better opportunity.    ➡️ How did your boss respond to your resignation? My boss went on and on that I should make sure my new position didn't have a salary cap. He stressed more than once that I would make more over time staying where I was. It felt manipulative, despite the fact that I’d clearly be making more in my new role, not to mention, immense opportunity to grow.   ➡️ Was there anything your company could have done to retain you? Yes! I liked most of my colleagues and the company as a whole. I tried to stay by transferring positions and departments. They could have been open to allowing a promotion or tried to resolve management issues. HR didn't even try to talk to my boss about his actions.

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Unfortunately a true statement for so many. #leadthechange

Zette Harbour

An Enlivenment Coach – Here to empower and inspire you to live a life that is authentic, vitalized, and fulfilling.


Sharing our stories is one of the most impactful ways to empower ourselves and others. We're all walking, talking, living, breathing stories and when we become the conscious authors of them, there's no limit!

Deirdre Clancy

Technical Content and Communication Manager


For the first time in a long time, employers are having to think about what type of leadership cultures they need to foster if they want to keep people. All of the stories above are so familiar. I've heard and lived variations of them myself. Change takes time but zero-tolerance cultures in relation to discriminatory practices has to become the norm.

Nabeela Ali

IT Tech / Lithia Motors Driveway


All job market with ladies do that, please like that waisted my 18 years of hard work


totally agree to this.. (past experiences !)

Kristen C.

Assistant Vice President & Exchange Officer at Investment Property Exchange Services, Inc (IPX1031)



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