The Female Quotient’s Post

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We asked and you delivered! This week on #MaternityLeaveMisconceptions, we're clearing a few things up. Bottom line – maternity leave is NOT a vacation, sabbatical, or paid time off. And yet, so many parents are confronted with the misconception that maternity leave is merely a break from work. In fact, many parents are plagued with even more stress when managing their return to work, their career path, and how to manage their new normal while balancing the daily stressors of a full-time job. That said, paid leave is necessary. Parenting is a full-time essential job caring for a newborn and it's time we treat it as such! All stories are anonymous. ➡️ How long was your #maternityleave? I received 12 weeks for the first child and 11 weeks for the second.   ➡️ Did your partner take leave? My partner took 10 days for the first child and none for the second.   ➡️ Did you feel it was long enough to heal and take on the responsibilities and learning curve that come with a newborn? I was lucky enough to get maternity leave and I think 12 weeks should be the minimum offered at full pay. 20 weeks would have been better – to have time to fully heal. When I returned I was asked how my ‘time off was. It's clearly anything but time off...   ➡️ What changes do we need to see in the public perception of maternity leave? I wish everyone could see what happens when moms are on maternity leave. I couldn't stand up straight without pain medication for weeks. My nipples bled for days each time I started breastfeeding my children. They would cry when they were hungry, and I would cry knowing how my breasts were about to feel. This should not be referred to as "vacation."   ➡️ What could your company have done better to support you during your leave? Instead of offering short-term disability (at approximately 60% pay), moms should receive full pay for the entire 12 weeks – NOT using their PTO, as we’re not sick and we’re certainly not taking a vacation. Part-time employees should receive the same benefit.   ➡️ Do you have any thoughts on what could be done from a national level in your country to better support women and families? The U.S. needs a federally mandated and funded 12-week maternity leave with full pay for all employees.

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Claudia Raymond

Directrice Développement des Affaires, Director Business development


It is a bit tough... but honestly i've had four kids, working full time, as a single parent and never had it as bad. much energy sent to you! your situation sounds particularly harsh

Tiffany Edwards

Marketing and Operations Professional | Mom | Soccer Fanatic | Audiobook Junkie


My first baby I had 16 weeks and it was the best! Thank you Wells Fargo! But my second child I had short term disability and it was the worst. I had only 8 weeks because of a c-section. It definitely wasn’t enough time. Leading up to having the baby I was so stressed that we wouldn’t be able to make it financially because I wasn’t going to have my full pay. Which this stress not only wasn’t good for the baby, but it affected my work. The HR manager even compared the recovery from having a baby to breaking an arm, 🤯 are you kidding me?! During the 8 weeks of “leave” I was recovering physically, mentally and emotionally. It definitely wasn’t enough tie to really grasp what it’s like with having a baby. I wasn’t ready to go back yet. So I had to use some of my own PTO for some more recovery time. I fully believe in the 4th trimester and how important it is to help our new moms with taking care of themselves and their new babies. Postpartum depression and anxiety is real and returning to work can highten these emotions. Let’s get a minimum of 12 weeks for maternity leave! Then women will be able to fully return to work and be excited to return work, and hopefully not quite as exhausted 😉.

Nicole Secker

Community Resource Coordinator| Tea Drinker| Traveler| Pet Owner


I'm so angry that we still don't have Paid Maternity Leave in the United States. People try to work in this type of state.

On one hand bringing newborns is gold, but when you do suddenly you become useless and everything in the system turns against you… no wonder we think twice before getting onboard with pregnancy and do it later (with all the problems and risks that come along with late birth delivery)

Alison Main

Global Benefits Expert at Silicon Valley Employers Forum | Driving Global Change in Benefits & Well-being.


Thanks for highlighting this, as we strive for gender equality for paid parental leave we mustn't lose sight of the critical nature of maternity leave, pre and post birth for the health and well-being of mother and child. And longer term the benefits society reaps from having provided time off resulting in better health outcomes for mother and child and less cost to the economy.

Sarah Mallin

Executive Director and Founding Team Member at Boram Postnatal Retreat


We are starting a postnatal retreat in New York City that will focus on 24/7 supportive, nurturing care that new moms deserve and need (and their babies!). I couldn’t agree more with this post, and if we want to compare it to a vacation, let’s at least provide some support and rest! We hope to expand beyond nyc one day!

Sophia Valdez M.Ed. 🚀

✨Technical Recruiter ✨| Former Microsoft , Meta | Latina in Tech| Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Access Focused| Program Strategist| Opportunity Curator| Career Advocate|Talent Consultant


It amazes me that women are expected to just go through living life and working like this is normal 😂

Jordan Cassoff

Purchasing Manager | Supply Chain | Mother of 2


All so true! I would have been a much better employee returning later, even 20 months postpartum. I never felt ready mentally or physically or fully healed from c sections. And let’s not forget the partial pay on disability. But the medical bills come weeks post delivery too! Hoping to see changes sooner than later for future generations!!

Dr. Kellye Schab, CFNC

Perimenopause+Menopause Strategist | Hormone Health Expert | Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor | Best Selling Author | Doctor of Pharmacy


I remember feeling so sad about how tired I was all of the time. My body had to heal, my life had changed significantly, and this tiny human needed all of me. It was a confusing time.

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