The Female Quotient’s Post

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We asked and you delivered! This week on #maternityleavemisconceptions, we're clearing a few things up. Bottom line – #maternityleave is NOT a vacation, sabbatical, or paid time off. And yet, so many parents are confronted with the misconception that maternity leave is merely a break from work. In fact, many parents are plagued with even more stress when managing their return to work, their career path, and how to manage their new normal while balancing the daily stressors of a full-time job. That said, paid leave is necessary. Parenting is a full-time essential job caring for a newborn and it's time we treat it as such! All stories are anonymous. ➡️ How long was your maternity leave? 4 months   ➡️ Did your partner take leave? 2 weeks paternity and an additional 2 weeks of his annual leave.   ➡️ Did you feel it was long enough to heal and take on the responsibilities and learning curve that come with a newborn? No   ➡️ Were you ever asked “How was your time off” or “how was your vacation?” Yes. Commonly people would say “Enjoy your time off”. I’m in the military so most of these people were men, but also a few single, young women. I don’t think any of the comments were malicious, just ill thought out. You don’t have to have children to be empathetic to what it involves. Just like you don’t have to be differently-abled to be empathetic towards someone’s specific needs.   ➡️ What changes do we need to see in the public perception of maternity leave? Men can and should be expected to take longer to support their partners (and on their return to work do so under a flexible work arrangement). Women aren’t giving birth to inconvenience anyone, take a vacation, or step away from careers. Partners make these decisions together (more often than not).   ➡️ What could your company have done better to support you during your leave? They could have no pressured me to return to work early, emphasizing loss of professional momentum. Ensure that there are flexible ways to retain career momentum upon return!   ➡️ Do you have any thoughts on what could be done from a national level in your country to better support women and families? In Australia, universal maternity leave is available to citizens. It would be nice to see return to work professional development programs/short courses to bolster CVs, and ease that transition back into the workforce (no matter how long a person has been on leave).

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David K. Scott

Conveyor/Bulk Materials Handling Specialist, Supervisor, and Mine Site works. Engineering Solutions.


Maternity leave encourages women leaving the workforce. Why do we allow this exist and tempt women out of the workplace.

Heather-Leigh Flemming

Director of Partnerships at The Female Quotient


I want to read more of these!

Natalie Spencer

Creative Communicator for brands and employees


Only 2 of my past 10 employers offered maternity leave. The best was 10 weeks with an optional 2 additional weeks. However, those other 8 employers were healthy, profitable, and global companies. Zero maternity. That meant women had to take short term disability for 6 weeks and anything else was vacation or reduced pay/lose of job. Paternity, adoption, or any other family leave were flat out denied. Those employees had to use vacation time. I am stunned that America doesn't do better when it comes to this.

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