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Since some have the Boomer NFTs snacked and that is now apparently grad the Getquin-hype,

I'm sorry that I'm doing a post about it, but the Marketplace for mine is launching soon and apparently people are interested.

(and of course especially for @getquin
@SharkAce and @Lorena )

And in the following I also explain directly why my NFTs are the coolest NFTs. :)

So Vamos.

As you probably know NFTs are paid with crypto, often ETH. You go to certain internet sites like https://opensea.io/collection/ and then you can buy anything from Cryptopunks to ShibaClub.

If you want to buy such a part early, you have to anticipate a hype, because the NFT (non functional token) can not show any direct benefit, so difficult. Just like pictures in real life. You can look at them and exhibit them. The demand determines the price.

Hä Moritz but you also have 2 NFTs?

Through a friend of mine I came across "The strange Clan" very early on http://strangeclan.com/

The Strange Clan will be a browser game. But you have to own the characters you can play, so you have to buy them before. Until now these characters are only 2D pictures, which you could buy in the first drop (if you were among the first 1000 Discord members). https://market.passage3d.com/explore

The associated marketplace will be published soon, this and also the whole game will have its own coin, but basically based on the Cosmos ecosystem. -> you buy and sell everything with $ATOM

Q1 of this year the game will be published, (3D) planned are different game types, associated to the characters, so you have the possibility to own land and generate passive income, explore the world and find rare items etc etc.

Thus, the NFTs that you could buy now have a function. The demand is so far only in this Discord, (10,000 members by now) and although the first ones could still be bought with 7 atom, the 2nd character drop already offered 14 atom.

Since then, the atom price has halved btw🥴

Wen someone on the Discord would like to write me please on Insta. (Must first make me smart whether you can divide into larger groups. kB da stress to get).

Of course there is also already a Fangemachte rarity list for "village 1" so the first bunch of characters https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSsOccrb3EJKk621qLpWnXzueP47ovb4DYJLzc4QXtRgQn8Y8nvAElbjuAJEZtxMVqhT6otJPxHdlug/pubhtml#

I can see that my bard is trash (but still useful as a character) and the mercenary is quite good. If you scroll a bit on the marketplace, you will see the really cool parts. (With the previous drops you always minted an NFT and got one by chance).

In the sense,


Check out my Dashboard now!

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Cringe who owns useful NFTs... Ne the mercenary looks really nice haha kiss for the post <3
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Uiiii I like that 😻 I'll take a closer look later and then I'm sure I'll have more questions. Merci 🙏
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non functional Token looool der war gut :)
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I guess I have to slide into your DM's 👀 Was already written on Discord randomly by NFT scammers 🚀.
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Okay, but what exactly do you have to do with the Marketplace that will be launched? What are you planning to do there?
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After reading a few posts about NFTs on this platform now (I wasn't even aware of the existence of these tokens until a few days ago), I have to say: I just feel old at 27! I do not understand the meaning behind it and almost feel like an old man standing in front of the youth and rolling his eyes 🙈
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Is too much for me to read
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Screenshots are made. Just enjoying my free NFTS🚀
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@leveragegrinding what's your name on Insta, then I would write you there😂

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