A 4-part Quantum Feminine journey to deepen into the foundational Wisdom of our Creator Power + the Archetypal Trinity — the Sacred Feminine, Sacred Masculine + the Creator Archetype / Primordial Feminine.

Get ready, She goes deep....

Primordial Feminine Remembrance

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About Sacred Harmonic Energetics

Whether you've been here in this work with me for a while, or you're new to my Work — this micro-course is an evolution of the Work that I've been sharing over the past 8 years... 

The previous intro-course, which you may have — called "From Tantrum to Tantra" — is about our Return to the beautiful Waters of the Feminine...
It's about leaving the dry, lifeless, land of our Over-Masculnized conditioning, of the Patriarchal deadlands, and coming into the Remembrance of who we are at our deep, Mythic, Feminine core, and Reawakening Her within us...
So FTTT was a light introduction to what's Possible in the Feminine. And she's perfect for the women who are a bit newer to the Feminine Energetics — or who perhaps have been exploring Her for a little while, but they're still feeling very stuck.
(She's technically retired, but you can still access her for free here. :) )

And Sacred Harmonic Energetics™ (S.H.E.) 
is going to take you much... much deeper. 
Infinitely deeper.

S.H.E. is how this Work has evolved since I first began teaching the Feminine Energy Principles and the Channeled information about the Archetypes several years ago.

S.H.E. is for the women like you who are ready to go all-in on your Personal Magic and walking the Path of Miracles;
ready to go all-in on your own personal Eden;
all-in on your Sacred Destiny and all you can feel Calling you.

You've likely been on this journey for a while.
Maybe you've already been deepening into the Sacred Feminine.
You may have been exploring healing modalities, Mysticism, Energetics or various Spiritual traditions.
You've definitely been taking the courses, you've been doing the Work.

You might even be a powerful Mystic already — or you're even a teacher of Feminine Energetics, guiding your own Mystical women into their Remembrance.

Or maybe you can just FEEL there's something unique here — something Deeper, more Magical here — something that is going to let you step into everything you can feel Calling you so strongly... 

And either way, you've been doing the work — but you can feel there's still something Missing. Something Deeper. Something MORE.

You likely feel there's a something that's still not adding up.

Something that's not quite sitting right in the teachings you've been given, or in what the 'experts' have been telling you.

That there's something Bigger, something Purer, something more True — something of HER — that you can feel is Calling you deeper. 
Beyond. Into More. Into Bigger. Into Higher. Into something far more Sacred.

And you're ready to Listen... You're ready to be shown what She wants to show you...
In Her way. In Her Mysteries. In the Magic She wants to return you to.

So here — in Sacred Harmonic Energetics (S.H.E.) — we're gonna go a lot deeper into the Quantum Energetics of the Feminine, the Masculine and the Archetypal Trinity which I'll be talking about in a later segment.

We're gonna give you the framework of these Universal Energetics, as it's been shown to me by my Cosmic Team, so you can go DEEPER.

So you can see the true Source of our Alignment, the very Root of our Sacred Power.

And so you can see why things — even in the beautiful Feminine and Polarity Work out there — is just not gonna cut it; why it's not quite enough.

And we're going to show you the 'map' of Creation — where these Prima Archetypes (the Feminine and the Masculine) first came from — so you can see the Truth of the Energetics we're being asked to hold, embody, live into, and Create with in our lives.

We're gonna show you why the greatest gift you've been endowed with, and is just waiting for you to Remember where it lives within you,

and why the key to your unique Sacred Destiny —

is your Creator Power,
the Return to your Original Archetypal Patterns,
and your ability to walk with the Mystery.

I'm so happy you're here, beautiful.

Enjoy the journey...