7 Easy And Efficient Ways To Prevent Global Warming From Your Home

by Guest Writer

This article was guest written by Rich Murphy.

We all have heard how the planet is warming up with the rise in greenhouse gases. In fact, there are steps being taken at a global scale to mitigate the disastrous effects of climate change. The question is, as individuals how can we make a difference?

Actually, we can. Here we have compiled seven achievable ways that can help make a difference. Let’s take a look.

  1. Drive Less and Drive Wisely

It goes without saying that one of the major reasons for global warming is the burning of fossil fuels. Reducing the use of your car is by far the most effective step you can take to mitigate climate change.

When you walk or cycle to your destination, you are contributing to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. As a bonus, you also get health benefits from it. If that’s not possible, try to use public transport. For heading to your workplace, you can try car-sharing schemes.

Think of switching your old car for an environment-friendly electric vehicle. Other than that you need to make sure that your car engine functions efficiently. For that, switch to premium grade fuels and change the engine oil at regular intervals. Since lower tire pressures can increase fuel consumption, make sure to keep the tires properly inflated.

Image Link: https://www.pxfuel.com/en/free-photo-qhuig

  1. Consume Less Meat and Dairy

In reality, the meat and dairy industry is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. These industries generate a massive amount of 7.1 gigatons of greenhouse gases per year. 

The reason is the digestive process of cows and sheep. These animals belch out methane, which is even more powerful than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas. Moreover, nitrogen fertilizers are used to produce green food for these animals. The production of these fertilizers generates large volumes of carbon dioxide.

On the other hand, plant-based diets have 10 to 50 times fewer emission levels than animal-based diets. Try to reduce the consumption of animal meat products and shift to fresher and greener food items.

  1. Reduce Air Travel

Cutting your flying time can reduce your carbon footprint to a large extent. The aviation industry contributes around 2.4% of the global carbon dioxide emissions. In fact, flying is the least eco-friendly way to travel. Keep in mind, flying in business class leads to a higher carbon footprint than flying in the economy. This is due to the fact that there are fewer passengers spread across the plane. As a result, there are higher co2 emissions per person when flying business or first class. 

  1. Optimize Energy Use

Making your home energy efficient can go a long way in reducing your carbon footprint. You can take some simple steps like using LED lights and turning off all appliances when not in use. Reducing the use of hot water is also an effective way.

Besides, you can cut down your heating and air conditioning needs to reduce energy use. Installing insulation in your house and turning down the heat when you are away will help in saving power. That will lead to a reduction in carbon dioxide production levels.

Image Link: https://employees.henrico.us/county-connection/october-is-energy-month/

  1. Recycle Products

Every item we use has a specific carbon footprint and consumes natural resources. As consumers, recycling is one of the best ways to reduce the environmental impact of items like plastic containers, newspapers, glass, metal cans, and electronics goods. Contact your local recycling center to find out ways you can use their service.

Recycling your home’s garbage can help in reducing your carbon footprint. Also, replace single-use plastic items by choosing eco-friendly products that can be recycled. While buying products, choose socially and environmentally responsible brands.

  1. Plant Trees

As individuals, planting trees is one of the most effective steps we can take. In reality, planting half-trillion trees can help in capturing 205 gigatons of carbon. You can create your own green space or contribute to the preservation of existing green spaces. Another benefit trees offer is a reduction in the level of air pollution.

Beyond that, trees can help in reducing peak temperatures in urban areas by casting shade. These can reduce the overall energy consumption. Also, trees can store huge volumes of rainwater. These help in reducing stormwater drainage costs.

Image Link: https://treesisters.org/blog/how-to-start-your-own-tree-planting-project

  1. Shop Sensibly

The fashion industry is responsible for around 10% of the global carbon emissions annually. While some steps are being taken to make it more eco-friendly, there’s still a long way to go. Moreover, the industry also uses around 93 billion cubic meters of water in a year. 

Quite simply,  the environmental cost of refurbishing our wardrobes is immense. It’s best to buy clothes only when you need them and recycle or donate them as much as possible. Also, choose quality over quantity. The less you buy, the better it is for the environment.

These are some simple but effective ways for you to contribute towards the prevention of global warming. Make sure to share the environment-friendly choices you have made with your friends and family. That way, you can encourage them to take the right steps too.

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