Donate to End of the Rainbow Foundation

The End of the Rainbow Foundation is a Private Foundation with Charitable Registration Number: 74824 1882 RR0001

Make a One-Time or Monthly Donation

Become a GOLD LEVEL large donor

Donate through CanadaHelps

Another way to give is through CanadaHelps. CanadaHelps will provide the charitable receipt when you donation through them.

Donate through the United Way of Calgary and Area

We also encourage you to give to the United Way of Calgary and Area and when you do, designate your donation to the End of the Rainbow Foundation by writing the foundation name and Charitable Registration Number into the “Specify Canadian Charity”. UW will provide you a charitable receipt.

Donate through Benevity

Another way to give is through your workplace and Benevity. We would welcome your corporation to give to the End of the Rainbow Foundation through this amazing resource.

You can always give by writing a cheque to: End of the Rainbow Foundation, 211 – 223 12 Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta, T2R 0G9.

Thank you to our many donors. Our foundation exists on the generosity of private donors.