eXp University (US): Team Building and Leadership

#Coaching #Leadership #Mentoring #Recruiting #Team Building eXp University's ever-growing selection of courses is designed to deliver educational and informational content related to US-based topics and is open to all eXp agents worldwide. All courses are optional but encouraged.

Make it Simple: Scaling & Systems for TEAMS

In this course, you will learn how to create a system that will allow any agent to become a top producer by using simple consistent strategies. Topics covered will include activities you need to do daily, market research made easy, and how to leverage using others while compensating correctly. At the end of this course, you will be able to create a road map that helps others see your vision and know how to perform as a valued member of your TEAM.

Should I Join a Team?

In this course, you will learn the pros and cons of joining a real estate team. Topics covered include what current resources you have to succeed as a solo agent, what resources a team may have to help you succeed, expectations of joining a team, and other considerations that may help you in making a decision to join a team. At the end of this course, you will be able to have a better idea on whether you have what it takes to be a solo agent or if joining a team is something you may want to consider!

How to Build a Rock Star Team Without Screwing It Up

In this class, you will learn how to build a rock star team without screwing it up! You'll learn a very simple yet successful model that keeps expenses low, income high, and clients incredibly satisfied. Topics covered also include hiring administrators, buyers, and listing agents. At the end of this course, you will be able to put together a plan to build your team in six weeks!

Grow Your Business through Growing Your Culture

In this class, you will learn how to attract and retain the RIGHT people. Topics covered include hiring, creating a culture, and growing leaders. At the end of this course, you will be able to build a business that you enjoy working in.

8 Actions for Creating a Highly Successful Team

In this class, you will learn about the common actions taken by top real estate teams to achieve successful team operation and productivity. Topics covered include daily routines, behaviors and strategies shared by top team leaders and teams. At the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of the key actions to implement on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis for greater team success.