A new experimental quilt-along on the NOOK

Begins January 1, 2024 and runs all year

Just now joining us? Each prompt is designed to take no more than a couple hours to complete. You'll be caught up in no time!

DESTROY THIS QUILT is a series of bimonthly prompts, where we'll work together throughout 2024 to create a unique whole-cloth quilt. But here's the twist: each month, you'll receive not one, but two prompts. One will guide you to add something to your quilt top, and the second will encourage you to subtract or transform an aspect of it – essentially, "destroying" it to create something new and beautiful.

The idea is to let go of our attachment to the outcome and embrace the process, allowing the fabric to guide our creativity. I believe this project will not only help us break free from old patterns but also open up a world of new possibilities in quilting.

Here's to a year of innovation, creativity, and 'destroying' quilts to create something extraordinary!

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What DESTROY THIS QUILT is all about


We make sure you find everything you need


Stay as long as you're enjoying the NOOK


Designed to make connecting simple


Fresh tutorials and events added all the time

"I felt immediate kinship when I joined the NOOK!  I am a beginner and I adore experimental quilting but I need to feel connected to others in order to learn."

"This community is so welcoming, accepting and open. I feel encouraged and enlivened to create my way."

"I didn't have any friends who quilt, so before I found the NOOK, I had to cobble together techniques from YouTube. Now I have access to a whole community who can answer my questions."


✔️ surprise yourself when you learning new approaches

✔️ you always have someone to turn to when you get stuck

✔️ get feedback on your work

✔️ enjoy the warm company of sewing with others

✔️ surprise yourself when you learning new approaches

✔️ you always have someone to turn to when you get stuck

✔️ get feedback on your work

✔️ enjoy the warm company of sewing with others

Excited about the NOOK but have a question?

Excited about the NOOK but have a question?

Will there be a recording if I can't make it live?

Yes! We record every NOOK workshop so it's available on-demand. As an international community, it's important to us to offer events at a variety of times each month, so if this particular event doesn't fit your schedule, hopefully the next one will!

What kind of payments do you accept?

You can check out through the secure payment platform that accepts any major credit card. Prefer to pay with Paypal, Apple Cash, or Venmo? I'm happy to set up a six-month or annual plan for you.

Can I stop my subscription at any time?

Yes (but you might find you like our company!)

Are there NOOK scholarships?

There sure are. Send me a message and I'll be happy to let you know what's available.

Will there be a recording if I can't make it live?

Yes! We record every NOOK workshop so it's available on-demand. As an international community, it's important to us to offer events at a variety of times each month, so if this particular event doesn't fit your schedule, hopefully the next one will!

What kind of payments do you accept?

You can check out through the secure payment platform that accepts any major credit card. Prefer to pay with Paypal, Apple Cash, or Venmo? I'm happy to set up a six-month or annual plan just for you!

Can I stop my subscription at any time?

Yes (but you might find you like our company!)

Are there NOOK scholarships?

There sure are. Send me a message and I'll be happy to let you know what's available.

What else do I get when I join the NOOK?

In addition to monthly workshops and our library of past workshops, you also gain access to:

  • an entire community of warm and supportive quilters
  • fresh inspiration to nurture your creative growth
  • virtual sewing circles nearly everyday
  • monthly creative challenges called UNBLOCKS

It's all there for you to learn!

↑ Free trial btw! See for yourself the NOOK community can inspire you ↑