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To: insta


We tell you how to program Instagram Stories on Instagram.

If you were wondering how to program Instagram Stories on Instagram, we would tell you. The truth is that this social network offers more and more resources to content creators. At first, it only allowed posting images. However, it currently has stories, reels, and long videos, included in its IGTV platform. Faced with such an avalanche of formats, options to plan and schedule the content you publish are becoming increasingly necessary. Now, this is also possible with stories.
Scheduling stories on Instagram is a very simple task, as long as you use the right tools. Facebook has long since centralized all publishing options in one place: Business Suite. With this tool, you can publish on Facebook and Instagram and also schedule your content, which includes stories. How to do it?

Scheduling a post on Instagram with Bussines Suite.
1. Enter Business Suite, preferably from your computer.
2. Sign in with your Facebook account. For this trick to work, your Instagram profile needs to be linked with Facebook.
3. Select your Instagram profile and click Create Post.
4. Use all the tools to add content to your story. You can add text, stickers, and much more.
5. When you're done, click the arrow next to the Publish Now button. There, select Schedule. In the pop-up dialog, choose the date and time.
The story will be published automatically right at the time you indicated. In addition to stories, you can use this method to schedule images or videos to be posted on your profile. It's also the ideal way to simultaneously post content to a Facebook and Instagram page.
Business Suite is one of the tools that Facebook makes available to users so that they can get more out of their profiles. With it, you also get access to advanced options that are not available in mobile apps. But, Business Suite is not alone.

Facebook also offers Creator Studio, a portal that will allow you to:
• Manage your posts. For example, it allows you to access all the types of content you have published, check the performance of each publication, and use filters to better organize what you upload.
• See statistics. One of the ways Creator Studio can help you is with stats. Thanks to them, you will see which posts have performed best and how you can refine your profile to increase its impact.
• Instant Messaging. From here, you have access to both Facebook and Instagram messages. Therefore, it will be easier for you to keep in touch with your customers and respond to your followers.
Business Suite and Creator Studio will become your allies when it comes to monetizing your activity on social networks. However, there are some requirements to use both tools:
• They can only be used with Facebook Pages. Both tools are meant to manage pages, not personal profiles. Therefore, if you hope to squeeze its full potential with your personal profile, you must be clear that it will not be possible.
• They can only be used with professional Instagram accounts. Instagram accounts that support both tools are Creator and Business accounts. This is so because they are focused on data analysis and profile management with very high activity.
Therefore, the use of both platforms, which includes programming stories, is reserved for the professional sphere of Facebook and Instagram.


Why is this important?

Watch Instagram stories without acc.