The Body Listens 

Audrey Chou

Project Description

The Body Listens experiment with technology and live time improvisation in collaboration with musician, we hope to create a situation and representation of the present moment, through constant change and communication between the two.

What Form will your Final Project Take?

Part of the event series second tribe, might looking towards for further research in work in progresses.

Audrey is a multidisciplinary artist focusing on the creation of site specific. Real time improvisation, and also multimedia art performances related to dance, fashion, film, and performance theatre.

Who was supporting you in your work?

Neil Greenberg. Meeting one on one and in class feedbacks from student and peers.

Project Themes:

Research, Creative

How has this project has been impactful or transformative?

More time in research for type of movement plus polishing of the piece.

What would you do differently? 

I will do more research on the type of movement and training required for the piece.

Short summary of your experience:

Really fulfilling to have feedback from community and grant support in help for the project.

Work stills from The Body Listens, working on lines to space.