The Lady, The Swallow, The Sorceress 

Magali van Caloen

Project Description

These are the questions that drive this project. The way the human can exist as spiritual creature in the ever expanding digital space must be explored, as our lives so importantly and increasingly exist in and through the digital. In acceptance of this, we must explore ourselves in it, through it. Each new generation's digital literacy augments exponentially, but as the digital realm is not catered to human as being but human as consumer - as synthesis of desire - the crisis of self and meaning that has arose in the youth is of little surprise.

What Form will your Final Project Take?

Story, Songs

It is me doing a performance.

Who was supporting you in your work?

Brian Ellis, Professor. Every week we met together and I updated him on where I was in my project and he advised me on a forward plan of action

Project Themes:


How has this project has been impactful or transformative?

The story took long to write and went into a different direction than I had expected. It created a lot of anxiety for me to realize that it had not gone to plan, as this would shift the entire structure of the related music album and 3d animations, but I am very happy with the outcome.

What would you do differently? 

Focus your attention, it is difficult to do university, a paying job, and artistic projects all at once and requires a lot of organization, and rest. I have not rested remotely enough these past few months.

Short summary of your experience:

Chaotic. Beautiful.

Again me doing a performance. This was the first performance in which I embodied the characters and elements of my story. I felt completely entrenched into this narrative after this performance.