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Submission + - Health Risk from Smoking Pipe (

rishab_happytrail writes: The practice of smoking tobacco from a smoking pipe is a long-standing tradition across the globe, despite its health hazards. Pipes were traditionally used for ceremonial purposes. However, the practice has gradually gained mainstream acceptance.
Although pipe smoking has declined since the 1960s, it is still popular among a small number of people (approximately 1.5%), particularly older men. In some countries, as many as one quarter of all adult males use a pipe.
It is vital to be aware about the health hazards of smoking pipe tobacco. Let's look at these health risks and compare pipe tobacco to smoking cigarettes.
Is Pipe Tobacco Addictive?
Pipe tobacco is addictive. Although pipe smokers don't inhale as much smoke as cigarette smokers do, some nicotine remains in the bloodstream and is absorbed through the linings of the mouth.

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Health Risk from Smoking Pipe

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