INTERVIEW: Metal band The Tryals

Hi guys, welcome to VENTS! How have you been?

Great! Staying busy and focusing on getting our new album out. All things considered, we’re feeling super productive. So far both of us are happy with the responses we’ve gotten so far!

Can you talk to us more about your latest single “Tidal Wave”?

Tidal Waves is a song that we were working on towards the tail end of our last album. We felt like it was a good song to include on “I Am Death” because we could hear examples of how we’ve evolved our sound over the last few years. It ended up being one of our favorites and became the single for the album.

Did any event in particular inspire you to write this song?

There wasn’t a particular event that inspired this song. The song was written about times when we have had to cope with tragedy and death in the past and present. It speaks about the struggle to return to normalcy after the loss of a loved one. How we all need to find our own path to grieve and get better.

Any plans to release any sort of video for the track?

We put together a lyric video for this song and the rest of the album. We’d love to do a music video if we found the right director. We went very D.I.Y. with our last music video and I think it turned out great, but we’d like to up the production quality of anything we do next.

The single comes off your new album I Am Death – what’s the story behind the title?

During the writing process of this album Lars was dealing with a loss in the family and we started going to a pretty dark place thinking about how death has had an impact on both of us in the past and will inevitably have an impact on us again.  The statement “I Am Death” is a way to take back some control from something that can make you feel completely helpless.

How was the recording and writing process?

After our last album we both had the same idea of how this album should sound. We wanted to get heavier but also wanted to incorporate memorable hooks. Chris will write a song and send it to me (Lars). I will record vocal ideas and send them back to him. We had the whole album roughed out before we went into the studio. The good news is the studio is in Chris’ apartment so we were able to spend as much time as we needed each day to perfect our songs. We recorded and produced the album by ourselves. We learned a lot from creating this album and we are bringing that knowledge to the next one!

What role does Chicago play in your music?

We grew up in the Chicago music scene and it’s such a small world especially as we get older. We always seem to run into a band or someone we know when we get out to local shows. Getting out to shows is one of our favorite things to do. Being able to see so many new bands and touring artists coming through we get a ton of inspiration.

What aspect of death did you get to explore on this record?

During the writing/recording of the album we had a mutual friend commit suicide. It really made us realize that this is something real and happening right now. It changed our outlook on the album’s theme from something that had happened to us in the past, but something we’re all dealing with everyday.

Where else did you find the inspiration for the songs and lyrics?

Anger. Sadness. Hope. Any extreme emotion. Taking away any rules or previous ideas about what we can or should sing about. We’ve been trying our best to get a little uncomfortable and bare it all when we’re writing. We hope that comes through as people listen to the emotion in some of these tracks.

Any plans to hit the road?

Our number 1 goal with The Tryals has always been writing. We have experience playing out and one thing we want to do is be sure we have the right fit for our writing style and someone committed to the momentum we’re building before getting out there again. Once we do something we go all in so if we find the right people to join this crazy experiment we’ll be coming to a town near you as soon as we can!

What else is happening next in The Tryals’ world?

Right now we’re working on a fun cover/single to release during the summer. Keep a look out for that soon! We’re also getting into the initial steps of writing our next album. Getting excited to make some updates to the home studio and experiment with some new gear on the next record.

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About admin

Head Honcho, Editor in Chief and writer here on VENTS. I don't like walking on the beach, but I love playing the guitar and geeking out about music. I am also a movie maniac and 6 hours sleeper.

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