
Every change begins with a conversation.

The #TimeToListen Campaign is an airasia initiative empowering people with disabilities and other underrepresented groups to tell their stories, celebrate their differences and rewrite their narratives.

So before we add more noise to issues of diversity, discrimination and misrepresentation, let’s hear it from them.


Let’s take a moment to reflect about all the times you felt different, misunderstood and prejudiced… We would like to encourage and provide a safe space for those who would like to share their experiences and stories so that we can start understanding each other better.

Featuring our friends Airliftz, Catherine, Andi, Dinesh, Puan Shiella and Solomon.





Meet Aliff, 24, a musician, rapper and producer straight out of Kajang, Malaysia. Better known by his stage name “Airliftz”, Aliff was born with a cleft lip, which led to complications with facial deformity. He underwent 8 surgeries throughout his childhood - "I had to deal with other kids saying, 'Look mom, it’s an alien!' It was dark times, man."

He found his calling in music, and is using his platform to influence - "I want to make other people out there feel accepted - give the younger generation the spirit to move forward to do what they want to do. Instead of telling 'people like me' to be strong, I would like to tell 'normal people' to be human. Please be understanding and try to understand that everyone is going through a rough time."

Watch Airliftz’s story here


Meet Catherine Goh - prior to leading our Santan franchise, she was made Regional Group Head of Inflight at only 28. Being one of the youngest leaders in the company, she’s fought discrimination against her age and gender, "I received a lot of pushback as a young woman in a big leadership role. At the end of the day - work is work, and things needed to get done."

Yet today she’s standing tall and proud of all she’s accomplished (we are so proud of her, too!). Regardless of age, we all have something to bring to the table. Stay focused and empower yourself!



Meet Andi Miranti, published author and illustrator of the three-book comic series - ‘The Adventures of Ned Dickens’. Andi’s autism did not stop him in the least from enjoying what life has to give.

He dreams of playing the keytar. His favorite band? Trivium. The reason his books are handwritten and illustrated in mostly black and white? ‘I prefer to focus on the storytelling.’

How does he feel about being autistic? “I’m fine, but I just don’t want other people to take advantage of it. Autism is just a way of life.”


Meet Dinesh Raj, 32 years old, Head of Business Growth at AirAsia MOVE.

After a deadly car crash in 2010, Dinesh Raj was lucky to be alive. A brain concussion, fractured ribs that led to punctured lungs on both sides, a ruptured and dislocated spine that resulted in an injured spinal cord left his future uncertain. When he regained consciousness in the ICU, the doctors told him, “You’ll be bedridden for life.” Through all the tubes and drugs, he answered, ‘I’ll find a way to do it.’

Twelve years on, Dinesh is back up, able to lead an independent life, walk (slowly but surely!) with a frame, and build his career. His goal? To be a CEO one day. Until then, he strives to leave an impact on the lives of others.

Watch Dinesh's story here

Puan Shiella

Puan Shiella

“Peluang tidak perlukan alasan!” - Opportunity needs no excuses. Meet Puan Shiella, a courageous single mother of 2 who survived an abusive marriage. She hustled with multiple jobs, working day and night - restaurants, streetside stalls, bus driving - whatever opportunities there were, she took it, all for the sake of her children. “Duit dah tak ade, anak ade lagi. Ada apa usaha, kita ambil lah.”

She eventually started WITUS, an NGO that ensures single mothers in need would not have to go through the same hardships that she has faced. “Everyone has their story, mine just happened to be told today.”

Watch Puan Shiella's story here


“Communication is not just about talking.” Meet Solomon Lim, a driver for airasia ride. Born deaf, he holds diplomas in woodworking and graphic design. Wanting to live life on his own terms, Solomon eventually left his design job to work in ride-hailing for the flexible hours. His greatest wish? That there’s more exchange of ideas between the deaf and the hearing. “I hope people realised that we’re also human beings that live on this planet. I would say, as a deaf person, we have so much to contribute.”

Fun fact about being deaf? “It’s actually really peaceful!”


Watch the videos

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