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We are "be love"


We are a people just like you.

A movement.


A community built around the idea that love is most effective when it is something we become. We believe that in becoming love, the doing and showing flow naturally from within. This allows all that we do to be done in love. This allows all that we say to be said out of love. True love. The main focus of every decision we make.


In purchasing our clothing, we look at this transaction as the buyer uniting with us in our vision. They are choosing to join the "be love" movement by spreading joy and love through whatever their purchase may be. Our hope is that each piece of clothing, when worn; will initiate conversations that otherwise would not have taken place. Conversations of love.


But... "be love" extends far beyond just clothing. Our shop is simply one of the many ways we take advantage of what gifts and abilities we have been given to spread love. We also host dozens of music events year round. Every night using music and stories as a tool to fill whatever space we're in with heaps of love. Our aim each night is to be love and in the being, others may encounter the same love we have been shown.


Amidst these nights of encounter we have seen an abundance of lives flipped upside down. We have seen families restored, depression overcome and hope established. Many incredible stories have been birthed from these nights and we pray for many more to come.


Lastly, we are very intentional about being love on a daily basis. We consider the moments spent "offstage" far more important than those spent in front of a crowd. Whether that crowd be digital or seats filled with real humans. We have come to the conclusion that true love only stems from time spent with He who is Love. Jesus. And by spending this time with Him we carry whatever it is found in that time, by our side wherever we go. In doing so we have seen a large and growing impact on the community and lives around us. In the end, it is nothing we have done. The impact we see on a daily basis is not conditional. It is not because of what talents and abilities we may have. We look at those as tools.

Just as a hammer is able to create, it may also be used to destroy. What matters is the intention of the hands holding the hammer. So we give our abilities and talents (tools) over to the one who's intentions are always good. Jesus.

Amidst this practice we continue to see the beauty of love unfolding everywhere we go. 


We invite you to join us.

Wake up each morning and choose Love.

Spend time with He who is love.

Come and see what amazing Destiny begins to unfold when your main focus is becoming love. The love that you have been gifted. 


1 John 4:19



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