Freezing For Christmas the 70’s Way

I find one of the biggest causes of stress around Christmas time in particular is what my family are going to eat! So this year I have called upon 1970’s Mary Berry for help!

The Art of Christmas Prepping – Podcast Transcript

If you’ve been finding Christmas planning a bit of a headache in recent years then I think the best place to start your Christmas Prep is by asking yourself some questions: What made Christmas magical to you as a Child?
What do you need to do for it to feel Christmassy?
What normally stresses you out at Christmas?

What to Plan for Christmas in October

Planning for Christmas in October, get yourself on track for a fabulous festive season with some of these Christmas Prepping tips! Planning for Christmas in October is a great way to ensure that you have a stress-free and enjoyable holiday season. There is so much to do to prepare for Christmas, especially if you’re hosting…

5 Things to Plan for Christmas in June

June can be another excellent opportunity to get ahead for the holiday season. Here are 5 additional steps you can take to plan for Christmas in June.

Easter Hot Chocolate Station

With all that chocolate hanging around at Easter it’s the perfect time for a Hot Chocolate (the weather usually hasn’t warmed up by then anyway!)