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59 Best Family Halloween Movies

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If your kids like a little spookiness along with their tricks and treats, our list of scary (but not too scary!) Halloween movies is sure to hit just the right note. Find family-friendly Halloween movies on Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and other streaming services with ease.

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Looking for just a little spookiness and a lot of fun?

The list features all your favorite things about Halloween: pumpkins, witches, and trick-or-treating. And if your kids are ready for something a little more adventurous, find not-too-scary movies with a funny spin.

A Few Common Questions

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Every title is reviewed by one of our team members. Since 2003, Common Sense Media has been an independent, research-backed nonprofit. No movie studio, streaming provider, or financial backer influences our editors.

Are you operating from any religious or political perspective?

Absolutely not. You know your kids. We know media and tech. What is and isn't appropriate for your family is entirely up to you. With experts in childhood development and media literacy, we aim to inform and educate families so they better understand what kids can handle at every age.

Is Common Sense Media a streaming platform?

We do not provide any streaming services ourselves but are happy to tell you where each title can be enjoyed. To find the best kid-friendly picks for the service providers that you use, check out our lists of movies and TV shows by streaming platform.