The Nail by Chrome Waves

Darkenin Heart

Chrome Waves' new single The Nail follows the recent Under the Weight of a Billion Souls, both of which are part of their next album, Earth Will Shed Its Skin. The upcoming full length releases on April 28th, 2023 on M-Theory Audio.

Guitarist and band founder, Jeff Wilson, comments on The Nail: “I feel like every one of our albums ends up having an oddball track. Not that the song is out of place from the others, but it tends to push the boundaries of what we're totally comfortable with at the time of recording. That track this time around was, ‘The Nail.’ We wanted to try some new instrumentation for this record, but this almost has an Alice in Chains goes country vibe in the first half, before retreating into utter chaos when Mac Gollehon shows up with a trumpet solo... some definite firsts for the band.”

The Nail is equally melodic and heavy, balancing its shoegaze and alt rock starting point with black metal and experimental passages in a very complex and engrossing way.

Chrome Waves



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