Designora Studio

Designora Studio was born when I was still in my 4th year of studies for my interior architecture diploma at Ion Mincu University Of Architecture in Bucharest. The choice was made after completing 2 internships in both architecture and interior architecture, which gave me enough experience to start my own company, backed by my mother’s experience in entrepreneurship.

I didn’t know what a niche was and the internet was just a baby at that time, but 3D rendering was a desired service, so I started to help real estate development companies to sell their homes before the construction deadline.

After that, opportunities for landscape design arose and I could move forward with a few of them until I had to shut down Designora in order to create the final student project called “With The Gypsy Girls” by Mircea Eliade, which is an old novel that is popular in Romania(where I come from) that I projected into a house that had to be restored. The result was an experiential museum where the visitor would live the storyline of the novel’s main character.

Shortly after, I moved to the other side of Europe, in The Netherlands, where I started a semi-new career into the leisure industry practicing theming design within a traineeship for Unlimited Snow, an architectural studio focused on building themed interior snow parks. The experience sadly ended after 6 months due to the company’s road towards an almost-bankruptcy, which pushed me into finding my biggest freelance project for Northern Light, an experience design company based in Amsterdam. I had to lead a whole team towards finishing 18 renders in 1 month of a 10.000 sqm science park pitching project for Abu Dhabi, which was won and it will be built soon(was delayed due to the pandemic). Unfortunately, it is still under an NDA.

Just a month after finishing the science park, the lockdown for corona came and I was one of those who were left without any work, so I had to remake my practice from scratch while I was on welfare for a year and in this time, I found WebGL technology with Playcanvas and the print-on-demand one, so I made an application to the municipality of Amsterdam to get the entrepreneurial funding and I got it for another year and a half. This gave me the time and resources to grow my game development skills to create 3D worlds in which 100 people can share with just a link and meet, known as metaverses.

All projects that made it all possible until the present moment can be viewed here. Today, Designora Studio creates mesmeric worlds in the metaverse focused on retail development.

Written By Sorina on 1st Of October 2023

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