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Thomas le Rimeur
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by Ellen Kushner (Goodreads Author)
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9 hours, 46 min ago

Pour une écologie...
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Apr 05, 2024 12:41AM

See all 4 books that Fei is reading…
Simon Jimenez
“I have lived a long time," she said. "And the longer I live, the more it surprises me, and saddens me, how wise the young must become to live in this world.”
Simon Jimenez, The Spear Cuts Through Water

Nicholas Eames
“How do I look?" he asked.
Barret grinned. "Old."
Moog glanced over appraisingly. "Tired."
Gabriel snorted a laugh. "Fuck you guys.”
Nicholas Eames, Kings of the Wyld

Alice Zeniter
“Ce qu'on ne transmet pas, ça se perd, c'est tout. Tu viens d'ici mais ce n'est pas chez toi.”
Alice Zeniter, L'Art de perdre

T. Kingfisher
“How did you get a demon in your chicken?'

'The usual way. Couldn't put it in the rooster. That's how you get basilisks.”
T. Kingfisher, Nettle & Bone

Nghi Vo
“Angry mothers raise daughters fierce enough to fight wolves.”
Nghi Vo, The Empress of Salt and Fortune

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Le Shiny Spring Challenge est un challenge de lecture organisé par le célèbre et talentueux booktuber Floflyy. Il vous propose de de lire des livres e ...more
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