Collective Flow Consulting

Collective Flow Consulting

Business Consulting and Services

Portland, OR 725 followers

Management consultants creating the Future of Work with mission-driven social entrepreneurs leading with purpose.

About us

Our mission at coFLOWco is to achieve equal opportunity and economic empowerment by amplifying the strengths, voices and creative ideas of diverse leaders. We provide social entrepreneurs with the skills, systems and strategies (products and processes) for impact and success, turning small business owners into C-suite powerhouse leaders. We serve womxn small businesses, creative agencies, inclusive tech firms, mission-driven projects, start-ups, non-profits, B-corps and local companies with heart.

Business Consulting and Services
Company size
1 employee
Portland, OR
Privately Held
consulting, creative operations, business development, and strategy


Employees at Collective Flow Consulting


  • Are you a #solopreneur or #founder who’s a bit stuck talking to yourself? Need a sounding board or some guidance—but quickly? Mini-Audits are great option for those who are dipping their toes into hiring a business strategist, consultant, or support for content, ops, and organizational development. See what we can do for you! 🔗 in comments. We’re thrilled to have amazing clients like Sharon Hurley Hall (she-her) who’s growing the mission-driven side of her business and moving fully into her purpose. When you become a client you become a part of a bigger collective community of colleagues and consultants— ‘doing the work’ while we work together! Thanks for the shout out Sharon! 💙💜❤️ #community #business #development #leadership #entrepreneurship #collective #collectiveimpact #entrepreneur #socialentrepreneur #socialimpact #founder #smallbusinessconsulting #smallbusinessowners #smallbiz #sdg8 #sdg5 #sdg10 #consultants

    View profile for Sharon Hurley Hall (she/her), graphic

    Co-Founder, Mission Equality - Equipping people to lead to equality via a progressive curriculum & building an alternative to capitalism: Equalism | Author, I'm Tired of Racism | Founder, Sharon's Anti-Racism Newsletter

    Big shout-out to Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed. for an excellent business and website strategy session last week. I got a LOT of value from it and have already started implementing some of her recommendations so my new focus as an antiracism writer, educator and activist is crystal clear.

  • It takes intention to update our language and stop defaulting to ableist words and phrases. Since Amy asked, We’ve stopped saying justice is blind recently even though as she mentioned the jury is still out. What about you?

    View profile for Amy Gaither, graphic

    Energy Worker ~ Late-deafened ~ Type 1 Diabetic ~ Earring Designer

    One of the hardest parts about eliminating ableist language from our vocabulary is that not everyone understands it’s ableist language. Most are words we use as every day language. Most are words the able body community has normalized with different meanings. Some have even been turned into slang to further normalize the word(s). Then we add in a layer of “not everyone agrees it’s ableist language.” Ableist language can be said by able body people and disabled people. Being disabled does not always give you authority on the topic especially if you become disabled later in life. If someone says what someone said is ableist language, it’s not an invitation to debate. It’s an invitation for you to take a deep dive into why you feel you need to debate ableist language. What ableist language are you struggling with?

  • As creatives and communications consultants obessessde with design x access, we love innovative design ideas for people with disabilities. One great example of designing for inclusion is Fast Company's 2023 Innovation in Design winner, Jansport. Their Adaptive bags are a reminder that not every BODY is the same, but everyone deserves access to experience life the way they choose. For #GlobalAccessibilityAwarenessDay we want to shout out all the designers, creators, product managers, and anyone who touches the product or design lifecycle who consider Accessibility EARLY AND OFTEN, not at the end of the creative process. Keep it up! It's on every one of us to do our part in creating a more accessible, inclusive world. Remove barriers to access. Tear down walls keeping people from living a full life. Design with accessibility in mind. #AccessIsAHumanRight.

  • Insert yourself into the conversations about the future, especially the ones that will affect your future most.

    View profile for Sinead Bovell, graphic

    WAYE Founder, Futurist, MBA

    It was an honor to lead the panel on AI for an equitable future at the United Nations 2024 Youth Forum. I hope every young person hears me loud and clear when I say you have every right to participate in conversations about YOUR own future. Regardless of your technical background. Insert yourself in the conversations that inspire you, concern you and involve YOUR future. I’m grateful to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs for continuing to ensure that the voices of young leaders are heard. #youth2030 #youthsecosocforum

  • Imclusive, accessible research is imperative. We need to be leading solutions and designing the studies, not just asked a question on a survey. Nothing for us without us. 🎯

  • 2 years later, small is still beautiful and essential to saving our collective home. 🌏🌍🌎

    View profile for Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed., graphic

    Founder, Writer, Social Entrepreneur, Creative Ops, Biz Dev, and Content Strategy Consultant, working to achieve gender parity+ inclusion one business at a time.

    We get messages all day long in our small and startup businesses about how we have to "GO BIG OR GO HOME." The #1 question I hear from entrepreneurs, founders, and solopreneurs is, "When do I scale?" We spend entire careers chasing a bigger salary, bigger title, bigger position, more power, more people to manage. So far, how has BIG paid off for us? The need to scale is killing our gender, our planet, our children, our bodies, our brains, and our businesses. Scale is 10,000 views, and 2 comments. Scale is a viral tweet, then zero views on your "since you're here, please check this out." Scale is a global pandemic and removing a mask mandate on planes as people traverse the globe. Scale is a newsletter of 40% open, .02% click rate. Scale is Monsanto, Forever 21, and the most obvious, Amazon. Scale is what killed half the species on earth. Scale it Uber losing $25b in VC investments over a decade, an IPO investing further into the company, while only turning a profit for last Q3 (in 10 years). Scale is both Uber having over 3000 sexual assault cases, ~300 rapes by drivers in 1 year. Lyft is similar. Scale is Larry Nassar and American Gymnastics. Scale is automating 1000 LinkedIn marketing offers that say I can help you; I checked out business, immediately demonstrating they did nothing of the sort. Scale is when recruiters or business advisors say this is perfect for you, without any specifics. Quantities and quotas over people and purpose. Money over mission. Dollars over doing the work. Scale is chasing instead of leading. It's unsustainable growth and "must thrive in a fast-paced environment." It's a 15-minute interview, immediate job offer, and no plans for personalized career development. It's a 6 hour panel interview with a project, and no follow up at all. It's logging into a platform & not being able to reach a person. It's being on hold and the 16th caller in line, only to drop the call when they pick up. It's $470B in unpaid care work over the course of the pandemic. It's $20T lost to the economy because of systemic racism over 20 years. It's $13T lost in 20 years because Black entrepreneurs have no access to capital And it's the 6.1m jobs that would have been created with equal access instead. It's 1 year of invisible labor worth global $10.9T. Capitalism––speed and scale––is antithetical to a purpose-led business. Mission-driven leaders grow startups by being intentional, careful, considered, eco-conscious, and community centered. It only takes 1 comment to meet your future partner or mentor. It takes... -1 email to make someone's day, to give them info they've been waiting for. -1 session to check out a new community & feel like you found your people. -1 call to hire support & ease someone's stress. -1 text to connect with an old client, friend, colleague, or family member to make someone feel seen. Why not WFH, save our collective home, go slower, reduce pain, cause no harm. Why is small so bad? Small is safe & small is home.

  • This is important to remember if you’re trying to change ANYTHING. If you’re trying to change workplaces, businesses, education, government…you are trying to change a giant system. #SystemsChange work requires actively working to change yourself, for the better. You can’t fix a system if you’re unwilling to look at your relationship and role to said system.

    View profile for Imène Ghernati, PhD (إيمان غرناطي), graphic

    Founder at STEAM Learning Institute I Liberatory STEAM Education I Decolonial Scholar I Dreamer of Possibilities I Mother I Weaver

    Cultural changes come before systems change The order is SELF-CULTURE-SYSTEM We, the people, represent the CULTURE I, as an individual, represent the SELF Each one of us is part of a larger whole called CULTURE The "milieu" we are living in The world changes one person at a time It takes millions of people to change a larger system that has penetrated all our institutions And it will take ALL of US to end white supremacy/colonialism/fascism/capitalism/patriarchy One person at a time, one day, we will be free Like Palestine This is a shout-out to all the people at the forefront of calling out injustice and working towards liberation for all. Other, I hope you are working on your SELF.

  • We must remember that people with disabilities effects everyone everywhere and when climate catastrophes strike, people with disabilities are often left behind. When designing communications or programs for thr future of work, we must make out solutions accessible. The earth and her crises are as intersectional as we are. Disability justice is climate justice is economic justice is racial justice is gender justice.

    View profile for Debra Ruh, graphic

    CEO, Ruh Global IMPACT | Executive Chair, Billion Strong | Host of Human Potential at Work AXSChat Co-Host

    Climate Change and Disability Justice: A Silent Crisis It's high time we address an often sidelined conversation: the critical intersection between climate change and disability justice. Environmental crises aren't standalone issues; they are inextricably tied to disability justice, and we cannot continue to ignore this truth. The escalating frequency of extreme weather events, air pollution, water scarcity, and heat waves—all by-products of climate change—disproportionately impact people with disabilities. Yet, these challenges are often brushed aside, overshadowed by the larger narrative of 'saving the planet.' We urgently need to broaden our perspective. "Environmental Justice is Disability Justice." In the face of an environmental crisis, individuals with disabilities find themselves battling on two fronts: they grapple not only with the everyday obstacles presented by a world not designed for them but also bear the brunt of our changing climate. Consider this: during natural disasters, accessibility often takes a backseat. How often are they genuinely inclusive for evacuation plans, emergency shelters, and disaster response protocols? The lack of forethought results in systemic exclusion, endangering lives that are just as valuable. Climate action cannot be effective if it is not inclusive. The narrative of environmental conservation needs to be enriched with diverse perspectives and experiences. This means implementing disability-inclusive policies, focusing on accessibility, and understanding the unique vulnerabilities of people with disabilities in environmental crises. "Disability Justice is Climate Justice." We pledge to acknowledge and address the intersectionality of climate change and disability justice. Image Description- Pink Abstract Watercolor Painting #ClimateChange #DisabilityRights #ClimateJustice hashtag #Equity #Inclusion #SDGs #AXSChat #WeAreBillionStrong

    • Pink Abstract Watercolor Painting

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