The Psalms.

In Matthew Henry’s commentary, he describes the Psalms as one of the choicest and most excellent parts of the Old Testament. Christ, his gospel, God, and his law are seen throughout. The Psalms are the summary of both Testaments. This book brings us into the sanctuary and draws and directs us into communion with God by reassuring our souls in Him, lifting up, and letting out our hearts towards Him. Psalms is a word meaning all metrical compositions fitted to be sung. Though singing can be the voice of joy, the intention of songs is of a much more significant benefit to assist the memory and to express and excite all the other affections as well as this joy.

The Psalter ought to be a precious and beloved book. If for no other reason than this: it promises Christ's death and resurrection so clearly...that it might be called a little Bible. It comprehends most beautifully everything that is in the entire Bible.

Martin Luther

Discovering Hope in the Psalms by Jean E. Jones (9-session study utilizing the book below) - Explore God’s Word deeper and engage with his truth freshly! You’ll be able to watch the weekly teaching videos for free. All you need is a copy of the Bible study book to follow along with the discussion.

Discovering Hope in the Psalms: A Creative Devotional Study Experience by Jean E. Jones (book)

Psalms and Hymns to the Living God by G3 Ministries (free download) - This book of psalms and hymns is an attempt to collect some of the best congregational songs available in English. It contains metrical versions of all 150 psalms (194 settings) plus 282 hymns.

Forming Hearts of Praise with the Psalms by Scott Aniol (article + audio) - in singing Psalms, we are singing about past, present, and future realities such that they all become present through the art, shaping our hearts to respond with affection to the Lord that is appropriate for those realities.

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In this episode, Jean E. Jones talks about the Psalms and why they are vital today. Her women's Bible study guide of the Psalms is called "Discovering Hope in the Psalms." This fascinating, rich study focuses on Hebrew poetry, ancient Jewish culture, and creative activities connecting the mind with the heart.

A reading of the book of Psalms. Nothing added. A focus on scripture for meditation and prayerful inspiration from The Holy Bible.

This episode delves into the rich history of the Psalms and their pivotal role in shaping Israel's spiritual life. The Psalms, though ancient, remain as relevant today as they were when they were written. They guide, inspire, and provide solace during times of distress. By delving into the wisdom and insights they offer, we can better navigate our spiritual journeys.


Discovering Hope in the Psalms: A Creative Devotional Study Experience by Jean E. Jones

Explore God's Word deeper and engage with His truth in fresh ways! This study of the 10 Psalms of Hope invites you to discover inspired Hebrew poetry's incredible design and purpose. Perfect for group discussion or personal reflection, Discovering Hope in the Psalms offers compelling teachings, motivating devotions, and plenty of creative options for interacting with the Psalms—including beautiful artwork to color. This discovery book will show you how to...

  • rejoice in God's mercy when sin knocks you down

  • request help with hope when troubles surround

  • respond with thanksgiving for each answered prayer

Learn More


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J. Gresham Machen: Art, Education, and Public Schools.


Nuance And Hijaking Language.