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Click "Allow" in the Firefox permission dialog. It usually appears in the left upper side of the window.

We respect your privacy.

Allow access to your microphone

Click "Allow" in the Chrome permission dialog. It usually appears under the address bar in the upper left side of the window.
We respect your privacy.

Allow access to your microphone

Click "Allow" in the permission dialog in order to allow access to your microphone.

We respect your privacy.

Microphone access error

You have denied access to your microphone.

Microphone access error

It seems your microphone is disabled in the browser settings.
Please go to your browser settings and enable access to your microphone.

Safari on iOS 11 required

You need iOS 11 and Safari
to use the recorder on your device.

(Or you can use the recorder on your computer.)

Open this page in Safari

Please tap • • • in the uppper right corner of the screen and select "Open in Safari".

Audio recording works only in Safari.
Other browsers or in-app recording aren't supported on iOS yet.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Need access to your microphone

It seems this page doesn't support an inline recorder.
The widget must be opened in a standalone window to access a mic.

Is your microphone ready?
1 Record - 2 Listen - 3 Send

Speak now

Max duration 5 min.
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Reset recording

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to start a new recording?
Your current recording will be deleted.
Oops, something went wrong
Error occurred during uploading your audio. Please click the Retry button to try again.
Oops, something went wrong
Error occurred during processing your audio on the server. Please click the Retry button to try again.

Uploading the audio...

Please do not close this page.

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Welcome to High Low Brow, the podcast with high brow takes on low brow culture. We’re carving out space in the airwaves for deep dives and thoughtful convos about our beloved pop culture that is often overlooked, laughed at, trashed, and brushed aside. Join us (and some of our internet pals!) for hot, juicy, maybe controversh opinions and a few rounds of games inspired by the stuff you watched when you were home sick with an anxiety-induced stomachache in your formative years.