Be sustainably prepared this hurricane season

Caitlin Russo

When you're a kid, the beginning of June signals the start of summer vacation. Off of school for two and a half whole months, yay!

When you're an adult, the beginning of June signals the start of hurricane season. Not yay.

There are always wildly varying predictions of how each year's hurricane season will turn out, but no matter what, it's best to be prepared so you aren't scrambling at the last minute to get that last pack of toilet paper on the shelf.

And by preparing early, you can make your supply kit more sustainable. Yes, it's possible.

There are tons of supply checklists online, including in Lafayette Utilities System's annual Hurricane Handbook. I won't provide a complete list of what you should have in your hurricane supply kit, but I'll share a few sustainable alternatives to popular (and necessary) items.


Rechargeable batteries are preferable in a storm, but long last brands are still better than going through a whole pack of low quality one use batteries.

Always keep a few flashlights on hand for if the power goes out. Rechargeable lights work very well - make sure to keep them charged before a storm is imminent. Hand crank lights work well too. There are also solar-powered lights they may not be helpful for a longer period of time, especially when there’s no sun.

Many storm flashlights come with radios built in, but watch for ones that say they can charge cell phones. I tried one of these combination lights a few years back and it wouldn't even charge my Blackberry.

Be careful using candles for light, especially with children or pets in your home. Candles can be easily knocked over, causing even more danger. Plus, the fumes can be toxic if candles are burned for an extended period of time and you are in a boarded-up house and can't open the door because of the weather.

If you stock up on candles, look for unscented soy, vegetable or beeswax alternatives, which burn chemical free, with lead- or zinc-free wicks, which can also emit toxins.


Stock up on batteries, and choose rechargeable ones if you can. Just keep enough charged and on-hand so you don't have to worry about it while the power is out.

If the power has gone out, conserve energy in your refrigerator or freezer by opening them as little as possible.

Keep your cell phones charged as much as possible in case the power goes out. Invest in a few backup power banks to give you an emergency battery boost if you need it. Many companies give these out as promotional items - keep them and keep them all charged before the bad weather arrives!


Canned food is the best since it can last a long time and remain unspoiled before it's opened. But get food you would eat normally! That way, you can ensure the food gets eaten even if it's not during a power outage.

Be sure to have a manual can opener, or that food will be staying in the can. And if you have an electric stove, look for food you can eat that doesn't need to be heated.

Save your cans for recycling, but remember to throw the lids away.

Buy snacks and other nonperishables in larger containers instead of single-serve to eliminate some unnecessary waste.

When you're getting bottled water, go for what has the least amount of packaging - and recycle the bottles or jugs. I always stock up on gallon-size jugs of water, but if you need personal size bottles, choose the ones with eco-friendly packaging, no BPA and less plastic.

Conserve your home’s water. Keep your showers quick and hold off on washing clothes or dishes as long as possible.

If you stock up with adult beverages, get canned beer or boxed wine, which can be recycled once empty.

Bring your cloth bags when you’re shopping for storm supplies.

Other Essentials

I don't like to advocate for paper materials, but especially if you have a family, it can be too much to wash dishes or clean rags during an extended power outage, especially if you need to conserve water or are under a boil advisory.

Look for paper plates and bowls made with recycled or plant-based content, and use reusable plastic cups. This is when those Mardi Gras and Festival International cups come in extra handy.

Stock up on toilet paper and paper towels made with recycled content.

If you have pets, make sure to get enough extra food and litter in advance. Save plastic bags to reuse for scooping when your pets have to go. If you use canned food, recycle the cans.

If you like to keep all of your supplies packed together, get a reusable container made with recycled material that can be stored away or thrown in the car easily. Larger cloth bags also work well.

Keep plywood boards safe, dry and protected between seasons so you can reuse them each year.


Board games, books and cards can help alleviate boredom when the power's out.

If you have children, get old-fashioned toys and games to keep them occupied, so they don't drain the battery on your computer or phone. Coloring books are fun for kids and adults.

Stock up on books from the library.

Keep board games or a deck of cards on hand.

If you make the decision to evacuate, secure your house first and choose the most fuel-efficient car you have in your family that will also accommodate all the people, pets and important belongings that need to be packed in.

Gas will be a scarce commodity, and prices will go up. And you may end up traveling further than you want to. Pack smart and don't forget your valuable documents. Keep them in your reusable waterproof container.

Above all, please stay safe this hurricane season!

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