
Kanat Sultanbekov


Accomplished construction manager Kanat Sultanbekov is skilled in strategic planning, operational processes, and risk assessment to ensure safety and excellence. He has additional experience in cost control, safety audits, and project management. He is working toward expanding his career to a senior leadership role where he can leverage his extensive experience in project management, construction, and design.   Kanat Sultanbekov successfully completed the Economics of Blockchain and Digital Assets Certificate Program at The Wharton School Aresty Institute of Executive Education of the University of Pennsylvania and Launching New Ventures at the Harvard Business School.

Exploring the Science of Facial Expressions with Kanat Sultanbekov

Kanat Sultanbekov: The Science of Facial Expressions


The fascinating science of facial expression explores the intricate world of human emotions as conveyed through our faces. Delving into the connection of muscles, nerves, and emotions, Kanat Sultanbekov sheds light on the captivating displays that are facial expressions – these windows into our emotions and inner states offer profound insights into the complex interplay of our feelings and the physical manifestations of our faces.

Muscles in Motion

Our face is a canvas of interconnected muscles that work together harmoniously. These intricate facial muscles, commonly referred to as facial muscles, are intricately connected to the skin and fascia, enabling us to convey and communicate a diverse array of emotions through our expressions.

For instance, when we smile, our zygomaticus major muscle contracts, pulling the corners of our mouth upward and creating smile lines known as nasolabial folds. Conversely, when we frown, the corrugator supercilii muscle contracts, causing vertical lines between the eyebrows, known as glabellar lines. Additionally, raising an eyebrow involves the frontalis muscle contracting, resulting in a raised brow and horizontal forehead lines.

Emotion Perception and Evolution

Scientists delve into the intricate realm of human emotion perception by analyzing facial cues. They explore the evolutionary roots and multifaceted functions of facial expressions, seeking to unravel the complex interplay between emotions and nonverbal communication cues.

The ongoing debate between Basic Emotion Theory and Behavioral Ecology theories adds depth to our understanding of human emotions and behavior, shedding light on the intricate interplay between innate emotional responses and evolutionary adaptations in shaping our psychological landscape.

Developmental and Social Psychology

Researchers delve into the multifaceted role of facial expressions in the intricate landscape of child development, social interactions, and diverse cultural contexts. They meticulously dissect the implications of appraisal theory, unravel the underlying neural processes at play, and shine a light on overlooked facial behaviors like yawning, vocal crying, and even vomiting, exploring their significance in a broader societal and psychological spectrum.

Researchers have discovered an intriguing connection - when you mimic a facial expression, you can actually start experiencing the corresponding emotion yourself. This fascinating link reveals that emotions are not just the cause of facial expressions; facial expressions can also trigger emotions. This interplay between our facial expressions and emotions sheds light on a deeper understanding of human behavior and psychology.



Microexpressions are incredibly brief, involuntary facial cues that flit across one's face in a matter of milliseconds. According to Kanat Sultanbekov, these fleeting gestures have the remarkable ability to reveal genuine emotions, even when individuals try to conceal them.

Typically lasting from 0.5 to 4.0 seconds, these ultra-brief facial expressions offer a genuine peek into someone's unfiltered emotional world, providing valuable insight into their deepest thoughts and feelings.

These fleeting cues, known as microexpressions, offer valuable glimpses into a person's authentic emotions and true intentions during social interactions. They serve as genuine indicators that cannot be counterfeited.

The ability to detect these subtle microexpressions is a specialized skill utilized in various disciplines, such as psychology and law enforcement, for deciphering hidden emotions and uncovering underlying motives.

Research has progressively highlighted the importance of context in the generation and comprehension of facial expressions. As we delve deeper into understanding the complexities of the "expression of emotion," the role of context emerges as a pivotal element. Exploring how external factors influence facial expressions adds depth to our comprehension of human emotions and interpersonal communication.

The fascinating science of facial expression delves into the intricate world where psychology, biology, and cultural nuances converge to decipher the subtle language spoken by our faces. Kanat Sultanbekov stresses that through this study, experts unravel the delicate dance of emotions that play out across our expressions, offering profound insights into the complexities of human behavior and the nuances of communication.

Kanat Sultanbekov is an experienced construction manager with 15+ years of expertise in the industry. His mission is to use his knowledge and experience to help people get the best possible results on their projects while ensuring safety and cost efficiency. Through risk assessment techniques, Kanat has become a master of project management as well as cost control. He also holds prestigious certifications from The Wharton School Aresty Institute of Executive Education at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Business School. Kanat believes that everyone deserves quality workmanship, which he strives for with every individual project by providing unique value for each customer. His commitment to excellence extends beyond professional life – he is an active supporter of the American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO) and The Good Dog Foundation (TGDF).


Kanat Sultanbekov: Advancing Childhood Cancer Research Through Donations

Exploring the Vital Role of Donations in Childhood Cancer Research with Kanat Sultanbekov

Your compassionate support profoundly impacts children courageously battling cancer. Kanat Sultanbekov points out that by choosing to donate to the American Childhood Cancer Association or Children's Cancer Research, your contribution transcends mere dollars. Your generous gift fuels innovative research, facilitates vital treatments, and instills hope in these young warriors and their families. Every donation, regardless of its size, plays a pivotal role in the fight against childhood cancer.

Maximizing Impact

When you donate a dollar, you are not just supporting researchers at the Children's Cancer Research Fund; you are also catalyzing an average of $18 in additional funding from the government and other sources. Your donation serves as an investment that multiplies over time, significantly enhancing the quality of life for children bravely fighting cancer. By contributing, you are part of a ripple effect that empowers groundbreaking research and brings hope to young cancer patients.

World-Class Research

Kanat Sultanbekov explains that by supporting specific research funds, you directly contribute to groundbreaking research in your chosen field. Your donation ensures that 100% of the funds are dedicated to advancing world-class research in critical areas like neuroblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, brain tumors, life after childhood cancer, and emotional well-being. Your support for these causes has a significant impact on the lives of children fighting cancer.

Enhancing Treatment and Medical Care

Researchers have recently harnessed cells extracted from a child's rare brain tumor for thorough testing against a wide array of drugs. This innovative approach has unveiled several promising candidates, paving the way for a potentially life-saving new treatment for ETMR, a particularly aggressive type of brain tumor known for its low survival rate of less than 30%. Furthermore, the generous contributions received have significantly boosted osteosarcoma research efforts, culminating in the identification of 16 new genetic targets. These breakthroughs hold the potential to enhance survival rates among children battling this form of bone cancer.

Empowering Creativity

Through heartwarming initiatives such as the Big Dreams Tour, your generous contributions play a vital role in empowering children battling cancer. By engaging in activities like music, animation, and virtual reality experiences, these young warriors find solace and a momentary escape from the challenges of their illness. These outlets not only offer a respite from the harsh reality of cancer but also provide a means for these children to leave a lasting legacy through their creativity.

Camp Norden

Your generous support has played a critical role in ensuring that Camp Norden, a special camp designed for children who have faced or are currently battling cancer, remains accessible to families at no charge. At Camp Norden, kids come together to connect, form lasting bonds, and create unforgettable memories amidst the backdrop of a memorable summer camp experience. This initiative is made possible through the full funding provided by the Children's Cancer Research Fund, alleviating any financial burden on families who wish to enroll their children in the camp. Kanat Sultanbekov says that your contribution makes it possible to sustain Camp Norden as a cost-free haven for families with children impacted by cancer.

Life-Saving Trials

Your dedicated contributions play a crucial role in advancing numerous groundbreaking lifesaving treatments for cancer. An illustration of this impactful work is the innovative treatment developed for a rare form of acute myeloid leukemia. This pivotal clinical trial not only shows promise in providing a more optimistic outlook for children facing substantial risks of relapse but also signifies a monumental step towards transforming the landscape of pediatric oncology.

In the battle against childhood cancer, every dollar contributes significantly to funding life-saving research, treatment, and support programs. Kanat Sultanbekov emphasizes that your impact, no matter the amount, plays a crucial role in providing hope and healing to brave young fighters and their families. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for children facing this challenging journey.

Kanat Sultanbekov is an experienced construction manager with 15+ years of expertise in the industry. His mission is to use his knowledge and experience to help people get the best possible results on their projects while ensuring safety and cost efficiency. Through risk assessment techniques, Kanat has become a master of project management as well as cost control. He also holds prestigious certifications from The Wharton School Aresty Institute of Executive Education at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Business School. Kanat believes that everyone deserves quality workmanship, which he strives for with every individual project by providing unique value for each customer. His commitment to excellence extends beyond professional life – he is an active supporter of the American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO) and The Good Dog Foundation (TGDF).


Kanat Sultanbekov: What to Look for in an Investment Property

Kanat Sultanbekov: Important Factors for Real Estate Investing


When it comes to buying a home, many people see investment properties as reserved for the upper echelon of home buyers, an investment strategy for wealthy landlords that allows them to live large off of passive income.

The truth is more down-to-earth and achievable—and often not a quick path to riches, but one that involves lots of research, hard work, and a bit of luck. 

What should you look for in an investment property?

Looking for an investment property isn't much different from regular home buying. Do you want a multifamily home in the suburbs or the city? Is it a safe neighborhood? What's the transportation like? Are there good schools? These questions will help you determine how much people will be willing to pay in rent or at resale, says Kanat Sultanbekov.

Return on investment should be your top priority when looking for an investment property, Kanat Sultanbekov adds. It is important to consider not only the property itself but also the neighborhood. Finding properties in up-and-coming neighborhoods can be beneficial, although much riskier.

Commercial real estate is a whole different ballgame than residential properties. Though you could potentially make more money with a commercial real estate investment, you also have to make sure you're up for the cons as well, such as much higher purchase prices, management requirements, needing more help from contractors, and opening up yourself to more risks.

Commercial and residential properties vary in returns, and what to look for, Kanat Sultanbekov says. Some properties are cash cows but won't appreciate as much as others, which may generate less upfront cash but yield much higher returns down the road. It's crucial to really understand your market.

No matter what kind of investment property you're looking for, you're not going to have a good return on investment if no one wants to live or work there.


The 1% rule or 2% rule for investment properties

The 1% rule states that your property should bring in at least 1% of your total investment every month, explains Kanat Sultanbekov. So if the purchase price of your home is $900,000 and renovations and repairs are worth $100,000, the 1% rule would say you should make sure you could bring in $10,000 in monthly rent before buying it.

The 2% rule is the same idea but for more lucrative and expensive markets, like parts of San Francisco. So, for the same imaginary property, you'd have to charge at least $20,000 a month in rental income.

There are other general rules of thumb as well. For instance, a common figure is a 10% annual return. If you spent $300,000, you would like to net $2,500 a month after all expenses are paid.

The numbers can fluctuate due to various factors, but the general rule of thumb is that a good return is often considered to be in the range of 8 to 12%, although this range is broad as it depends on the specific goals of the borrower.

Kanat Sultanbekov emphasizes that these are all just blanket rules of thumb and not ironclad laws of real estate investment. You're the ultimate judge of what return on investment you want to have, and the unique factors of your financial situation should help you decide whether to buy an investment property or not.

And don't focus on size.

More times than not, your piece of property won't be the biggest, Kanat Sultanbekov says. The smaller they are, the easier to maintain.

For more articles on multifamily real estate, real estate trends, and other types of real estate, subscribe to this Kanat Sultanbekov page.


Effective Jogging Techniques for Weight Loss by Kanat Sultanbekov

Kanat Sultanbekov: Jogging Tips for Effective Weight Loss

Approaching jogging solely for short-term weight loss can lead to treating it like a quick-fix diet. While you might see temporary results, the weight is likely to return once you stop. To prevent this cycle, it's crucial to view jogging with a long-term mindset that values sustainability and enjoyment. Kanat Sultanbekov shares essential tips to ensure that your jogging routine is both fulfilling and beneficial for your overall well-being. By making jogging a daily healthy habit, you not only enhance your chances of living healthily but also progress effectively towards your weight loss objectives. Remember, sustainable achievements require patience and dedication. The outcomes from consistent effort are truly gratifying in the long term.

Jogging Tips for Effective Weight Loss

  1. Get the perfect running attire.

Finding the right gear for running is vital to ensure optimal comfort and success during your workout sessions. When embarking on your running journey, one of the initial steps is to prioritize the selection of high-quality running shoes. Experts recommend visiting a local running store where the welcoming and knowledgeable staff can assist in identifying the perfect shoe tailored to your needs. Apart from ensuring comfort, the ideal running shoes should also support good running form, enhancing your overall performance.

Many stores go the extra mile by offering the service of observing your running style in various shoe options to determine the best match that complements your gait. Don't hesitate to ask questions during the selection process, and take your time to find the perfect fit that suits you best.

A watch is a valuable tool for monitoring your pace and progress. Kanat Sultanbekov recommends setting a time goal and jogging comfortably. Opt for comfortable clothing like a t-shirt, shorts or leggings, and a supportive sports bra for women. Lightweight, moisture-wicking socks are perfect for moderate weather, indoors or outdoors. In extreme weather, adapt your attire accordingly. Layer up for cold weather and shed as you warm up. In hot weather, choose moisture-wicking clothes and a sun hat. Always apply sunscreen. With these tips, you'll be well-prepared to embark on your running journey.

  • Prioritize optimal nutrition.

Maintaining a healthy diet is just as crucial as a regular workout routine. A common misconception is that running allows you to indulge in any food you desire, but in fact, consuming more calories than you burn through jogging may lead to weight gain. Keeping track of your calorie intake is vital, and it is recommended to keep a food journal. Kanat Sultanbekov says that there are numerous mobile apps with features that can help you track your calorie count and nutrition data. A Fitbit, Apple Watch, or similar device can monitor the number of calories you burn while running. However, if buying such items seems too expensive, you can use an online tool to estimate the number of calories you burn while jogging. Focus on adopting and maintaining a healthy diet. It would be best if you avoided processed foods and meals loaded with added sugar while maintaining a well-balanced meal that centers on fresh vegetables, lean protein, fruits, and whole grains. While indulging occasionally is okay, you must practice moderation in all things.

When choosing fresh vegetables, opt for a colorful variety to ensure you're getting a range of nutrients. Lean protein sources like chicken, fish, tofu, or legumes can help rebuild muscle tissue after a run. Including fruits in your diet not only adds natural sweetness but also provides essential vitamins and fiber. Whole grains such as quinoa, brown rice, or whole wheat pasta offer sustained energy levels for your runs. Don't forget to hydrate adequately and consider incorporating healthy fats like avocados, nuts, and seeds for overall well-being. Remember, balance is key, so enjoy your favorite treats in moderation while fueling your body with nutrient-rich foods for optimal performance and health.

  • Begin with a gradual pace to avoid injuries.

To prevent injury, it's crucial to start slowly. Kanat Sultanbekov emphasizes the importance of taking a long-term view and easing into your fitness journey gradually. Avoid the temptation to push yourself too hard right from the start, as this could lead to burnout and potential injuries that hinder your weight loss progress. Begin with a thorough warm-up, then alternate between jogging and walking. As you build your stamina, gradually increase your jogging time and reduce walking intervals, all while maintaining a consistent routine. Setting achievable milestones for jogging periods before walking transitions can also be a helpful strategy. Lastly, remember to cool down properly after your workout to alleviate strain on your muscles and joints.

Kanat Sultanbekov is an experienced construction manager who leverages over 15 years of expertise to develop and execute strategies that promote operational efficiency, cost control, and risk assessment. Mr. Sultanbekov takes great pride in overseeing projects that ensure safety so that they run smoothly from start to finish. His commitment to excellence has recently been highlighted by his completion of the Economics of Blockchain and Digital Assets Certificate Program at The Wharton School Aresty Institute of Executive Education of the University University of Pennsylvania, as well as Launching New Ventures at Harvard Business School. He's also an active supporter of causes such as the American Childhood Cancer Organization and The Good Dog Foundation, which shows his true dedication to making a positive impact on our society. With the mission statement "To provide exemplary products with exceptional service while making a positive difference in our community," Kanat's vision is inspirational: To partner with clients across all sectors to deliver successful projects where everyone benefits from increased productivity, lowered costs, improved safety standards, and ultimately higher levels of satisfaction all round - professionally and personally.


Kanat Sultanbekov: More Tips on Preparing for a Hike

Prepare for Hike with More Tips from Kanat Sultanbekov

Hiking is one of life's best activities, says Kanat Sultanbekov. There's so much of the world and nature to see. However, when venturing out into nature, he said that it is important to be prepared both mentally and physically.

Today, he's compiled more advice from the experts to help hikers everywhere get ready for that adventure. 

Check with your physician.

Before embarking on any physical activity, Kanat Sultanbekov says that it is always a good idea to check in with your doctor first. 

This is especially true if you have any underlying medical conditions that might be affected by exercise.

Start slowly.

If you are a rookie hiker or have been inactive for a while, start slowly and build up your endurance over time. 

There is no need to try and conquer an overly ambitious trail right from the get-go. Choose an easy route to begin with. From there, you can work your way up.

Invest in the right clothing and footwear.

Make sure you have comfortable but supportive shoes and clothing that won't leave you too hot or cold. 

Depending on the weather and terrain, Kanat Sultanbekov says you may also want to consider investing in some hiking gear, such as a walking stick or poles.

Try the trails near your home first.

If you've got trails nearby, Kanat Sultanbekove says that you have to take advantage of them. Doing short hikes to prepare for a massive one can help you build up strength and endurance gradually without straining yourself too quickly. 

It's also an excellent way to determine how much weight you'll need to pack.

Try hiking uphill. 

Strength is certainly important. That said, without good balance and endurance, your hike will quickly turn into a nightmare. 

Do some hikes where you're required to climb uphill the entire way. Not only do these challenges test your strength, but they also help you develop endurance as your body works overtime to produce energy continually.

Do sports activities.

To make hiking easier on your body, try to engage in other forms of exercise on a regular basis. This will help to increase your overall fitness level and prepare your muscles for the rigors of hiking. 

Swimming, biking, and even brisk walking are all good options.

Do progressive workouts. 

Lunges and squats are two excellent exercises to increase your lower body strength. These exercises will come in handy when trekking up hills or carrying a heavy backpack, notes Kanat Sultanbekov.

Adding weight to your workout can be extremely beneficial for hikers. Try adding ankle weights or even lifting weights with your arms. The extra weight will make the workout more difficult and help strengthen the muscles you'll need on the trail.

Stretch before engaging in physical activities and after.  

Hiking can be stressful on your muscles. If you do some basic stretching before and after exercising, you'll be more than ready to take that big hike.

Keep yourself hydrated.

It is essential to stay hydrated when doing any physical activity. This is especially true when hiking in warm weather. 

Bring plenty of water with you and take breaks often to drink it. It is also a good idea to avoid caffeine and alcohol before setting out, says Kanat Sultanbekov.

By following these tips, Kanat Sultanbekov says that you can help ensure that your next nature hike is a safe and enjoyable one. Don't forget to listen to your body. Do what it tells you, and take breaks if needed. With the proper preparation, you'll be ready to take on any trail.

Construction manager Kanat Sultanbekov has been leading dynamic teams for close to two decades. He is skilled in planning strategic processes to ensure project success and operational efficiency. He also excels at risk assessment, cost control, and project management. For more on his insights on the construction industry and related sectors, click here.


Kanat Sultanbekov on Multifamily Housing Management

Managing Multifamily Real Estate with Kanat Sultanbekov

A single building that's divided so it can accommodate more than one family is usually referred to as a multifamily building. These properties can range from a duplex, which has two living spaces in a single building, to homes or apartment buildings with up to four individual units.

Buildings with over four units are usually considered commercial properties.

According to construction manager Kanat Sultanbekov, the owner of a multifamily home can live in one of the building's units and rent out the others. They can also opt to live somewhere else and rent them all out.

The rules for financing a multifamily home are different depending on whether the owner is planning to live there or not.

If you don't plan to live in the property, you're considered an investor. If you wish, you may be able to use the projected rental income from the said property to help you qualify for a mortgage. Also, you may be eligible for a larger loan.

When you're looking at a single-family home, Kanat Sultanbekov notes that you're only considering your own needs.

In contrast, when you're looking at a multifamily home, you have to think of it more like a business. You need to consider and understand the needs of your tenants. You also need to understand the kinds of income the property will produce. Also, don't forget to always factor in your expenses.

While you can rent out some or even all of a single-family home, multifamily homes have other distinct characteristics and features.

Some started as large single-family homes, which a developer or owner decided to divide into several units. Each unit in a multifamily home has its address, its kitchen and baths, and typically its entrance.

That said, those living in multifamily homes may have less privacy compared to those living in single-family dwellings simply because of the shared walls.

Investing in a multifamily property doesn't end with buying the property. To truly profit from the endeavor and attract tenants, one has to make sure that the property is well-maintained and managed.

Investors have two options when it comes to property management of multifamily properties. The first is to manage the property directly, and the other is to hire someone else to do it.

A benefit of managing the property is that one doesn't have to spend what might be one's profits to pay a property manager. However, the job itself can be very involved and will require lots of time from the property owner, and may be difficult for those new to the experience.

On the other hand, having a dedicated property manager means that the day-to-day will be handled by someone else with more experience, thus allowing the investor to focus on expanding or other projects.

Vetting the tenants is also crucial to making sure the property runs smoothly. It entails credit history checks, asking for references, and interviewing the potential tenant – skipping this step can be very risky for property owners as a bad tenant can skip payments, mess up the apartment, or create problems with other residents.

Kanat Sultanbekov points out that it's imperative, too, to have a written fair rental agreement containing rules and regulations and information on when maintenance will be done. The agreement should also include other pertinent details, which both the landlords and tenants should uphold strictly.

Regarding repairs and complaints, a rule of thumb is to always attend to those immediately.

Investors should keep in mind that laws regarding renting out property may vary depending on location, so before anything else, Kanat Sultanbekov says that it's best to research state laws or consult with an attorney.

Kanat Sultanbekov is a construction manager who has been delivering world-class workmanship and leading dynamic teams for more than 15 years. He is also an outdoor enthusiast and enjoys hiking, skiing, and jogging. For more on Kanat, his work, and hobbies, click here.


Kanat Sultanbekov: All About Investing in Real Estate

Kanat Sultanbekov on Real Estate Investing: Terms and Types

Real estate is property consisting of land and any permanent structures on it or improvements attached to the land, whether man-made or natural. It is a form of real property. It is different from personal property, which is not permanently attached to the land, such as boats, vehicles, furniture, jewelry, and farm equipment.

Real estate is a key driver of U.S. economic growth, and housing starts, the number of residential construction projects in any given month, periodically released by the U.S. Census Bureau, is an important economic indicator. The report includes housing starts, building permits, and housing completion data for single-family homes and multifamily buildings with several units, such as apartment complexes, notes Kanat Sultanbekov.

What are the common types of real estate?

Residential real estate

Residential real estate is property used for residential purposes. Some examples include condos, single-family homes, duplexes, multifamily residences, and townhouses.

Commercial real estate

Commercial real estate is property used for business purposes, such as gas stations, hospitals, grocery stores, offices, hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, parking facilities, and theaters.

Industrial real estate

Residential real estate is property used for production, manufacturing, storage, distribution, and research and development.


Land includes vacant land, underdeveloped property, and agricultural lands such as farms, ranches, orchards, and timberland.

Special purpose

This type includes property used by the public, such as government buildings, libraries, cemeteries, places of worship, parks, and schools.

How to Invest in Real Estate

The three most common ways to invest in real estate include investment or rental properties, homeownership, and house flipping. A real estate wholesaler is a common type of real estate investor who contracts a property with a seller and then finds a buyer. Real estate wholesalers typically find distressed properties but don't do any additions or renovations.

The earnings from real estate investments are garnered from revenue from leases or rent and appreciation of the property's value, explains Kanat Sultanbekov. According to ATTOM Data, which oversees the primary property database in the U.S., the year-end 2021 home sales report shows that home sellers made a profit of $94,092, a 45.3% return on investment.

Real estate is greatly affected by its location, and factors such as the local economy, crime rates, employment rates, school quality, municipal services, transportation facilities, and property taxes can affect its value.

Investing in real estate can also be done through a real estate investment trust (REIT), a company that owns a portfolio of income-producing real estate, notes Kanat Sultanbekov. There are many types of REITs, including mortgage, equity, and hybrid REITs. They are generally classified based on how the shares are traded, such as public non-traded REITs, publicly-traded REITs, and private REITs.

The easiest way to invest in a REIT is to buy publicly traded shares on an exchange. REIT shares trade like any other security traded on an exchange, which makes REITs very transparent and liquid. Income from REITs is earned through appreciation of the shares and dividend payments. In addition to REITs, investors can also trade in real estate exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and real estate mutual funds.

Another great option for investing in real estate is via mortgage-backed securities, such as the iShares MBS ETF, which tracks the results of the Bloomberg U.S. or the Vanguard Mortgage-Backed Securities ETF, made up of federal agency-backed securities that have minimum pools of $1 billion. Its holdings include bonds guaranteed by government-sponsored enterprises such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, adds Kanat Sultanbekov.

For more articles on multifamily real estate, tenant retention strategies, the impact of technology on property management, zoning laws and regulations, rental property marketing strategies, green development, and the future of rental property management, subscribe to this Kanat Sultanbekov page.


Kanat Sultanbekov: Multifamily Homes for the New Generation

Kanat Sultanbekov: The Future of Multifamily Properties

Real estate is probably the biggest expense adults worry about in the United States, according to Kanat Sultanbekov. Whether people are looking for something temporary in the big city or a place in the quiet suburbs where they can raise a family, real estate is always a top priority, and there will always be people looking for space to own.

What the future of real estate looks like for coming generations

That said, your understanding of the matter changes when the purchase becomes an investment. Viewing real estate as an investment helps people look decades ahead into the possible worth of their properties. It should also be noted that real estate can also be very profitable.

Kanat Sultanbekov says people must look for the biggest market to succeed in any business. It rings especially true in real estate, whose biggest market is looking to be the millennial generation, as well as those that come after.

It is a hot topic of debate in many circles, but more so on social media. There are a lot of good and bad things being said about millennials. Even so, there is little doubt they will be the next generation inheriting the world. Like every generation that has come and gone, this generation will set the tone for things to come.

Real estate experts have anticipated this. They have seen developers start focusing their businesses on the millennial generation. It has led to several progressive steps that have seen the resurrection of countless urban centers around the country. This trend indicates that millennials are rising and have begun to occupy the urban landscape.

As such, Kanat Sultanbekov says that multifamily residences and other properties such as condotels, condominiums, apartments, micro-apartments, and more modern structures are being designed, developed, and maintained to accommodate the needs and requirements of future generations.

Mixed-use environments are likewise on the rise, due mainly in part to their appeal to the generation of millennials, Kanat Sultanbekov adds.

Where multifamily development fits in

Research has shown that single-family properties are beginning to have fewer buyers as more multifamily homes are being built in cities such as Dallas, Houston, and New York. The growth in multifamily homes in Dallas is significant, following New York.

This form isn't surprising for a city like New York. However, with Dallas having bigger estates, the number of apartments being built in areas with more population is starting to increase, and it may affect the future of real estate.

Multifamily homes have better financial flow than single-family homes since an owner may have a few tenants renting instead of only one. It is not as risky as having a single-family home rented out where only one tenant can be counted on to pay the mortgage and other bills for the property. Having more than one tenant to collect rent from may offset the costs of the mortgage and other maintenance needed for the units. The downside that owners of multifamily homes see is having to deal with two or more tenants.

Multifamily homes are the ones to pursue for better investment and cash flow. That said, for investors and homeowners who would like to be creative with their space, restrictions for multifamily homes may limit their home development. The turnover is faster with this form, which might mean more maintenance work is needed.

In cities where there are numerous multifamily units, affordability, and economic environment are linked with their growth, which presents the impact business climates have on work and housing preferences. Kanat Sultanbekov also adds that multifamily homes are more expensive yet easier to finance.

Kanat Sultanbekov is a construction manager who has been leading dynamic teams for more than 15 years. For his insights about the construction industry and other related discussions, click here.


Kanat Sultanbekov Identifies the Benefits of Investing in Multifamily Properties

Kanat Sultanbekov Highlight the Benefits of Multifamily Investments

Multifamily real estate has emerged as a prominent player in the real estate industry. Its lower vacancy rates year after year and its surpassing of other commercial real estate asset classes make it a highly desirable investment option. Kanat Sultanbekov points out that the primary function of multifamily properties is to provide a roof over people's heads, making it an indispensable part of the economy.

It is a fact that people will always require a place to call home, even during the most challenging economic periods, and multifamily real estate satisfies this fundamental human need. The fluctuating economic trends and varying conditions in the local market may come and go, but the increasing popularity and unique stability of multifamily properties remain. As such, it is no surprise that investors are eager to capitalize on this highly sought-after investment option, making it an invaluable addition to the real estate market.

Investing in multifamily properties ensures a consistent and reliable income stream. Multifamily properties represent a unique subset of commercial real estate that sets them apart from other types of properties, such as office, industrial, and retail. Unlike other commercial properties, multifamily units can have dozens or even hundreds of individual rental agreements, with tenants turning over on a rolling basis. Although there is a level of uncertainty in this structure, multifamily properties have the potential to minimize vacancy exposure during unfavorable economic conditions. That is due to the gradual increase in rental rates in accordance with the prevailing market and inflation rates, allowing management to maintain and grow cash flow over time. The benefit of consistent lease turnovers is that it offers multifamily property owners and managers the opportunity to adjust their offerings to stay competitive and meet the needs of their tenants while also enhancing their potential for a steady stream of income.

Multifamily properties exhibit low levels of volatility. For many investors, the world of investing can be a tumultuous and unpredictable one. In trying economic times, it can be not easy to know where to place your bets in order to come out ahead. Fortunately, though, there is one asset that has proven itself to be a steady and reliable choice for investors - housing. While single-family homes may suffer when the economy dips, the multifamily housing sector has always offered a more dependable option. Why is this the case, you might wonder? According to Kanat Sultanbekov, one reason is simple: housing is an essential function. Regardless of what's happening in the larger economic climate, people will always need a place to live. As a result, the demand for multifamily units tends to remain strong - even when other sectors experience fluctuations or structural shifts. With its enduring stability and long-standing peace of mind, it's no wonder that multifamily housing has become such a popular asset class among investors.

Investing in multifamily properties provides an avenue for passive investments. Investing in multifamily properties offers passive investment opportunities that are perfect for those who want to invest in real estate without the burden of property management and maintenance. Kanat Sultanbekov points out that online marketplaces allow you to enjoy the benefits of being a property owner, even if the property is far away from where you live. With the ability to diversify your portfolio, investing in multifamily properties can give you a steady cash flow while also allowing you to enjoy the lifestyle benefits of remote ownership. It's a smart investment option that gives you the potential for long-term financial gain without the stress of being a landlord.

Maximize tax savings with exclusive deductions for multifamily investments. There's no denying that investing in commercial multifamily units can prove to be a lucrative business move. Not only does it offer a stable source of rental income, but it also comes with a host of unique tax benefits. In fact, owning a property with over five units can open doors to various deductions, such as maintenance costs, marketing fees, and insurance premiums, among others. But the biggest advantage comes in the form of pass-through tax benefits. Through this, you can claim a portion of the tax benefits enjoyed by the sponsor, enabling you to save money and invest more in your assets. Given all these benefits, it's no wonder that investing in commercial multifamily units is becoming an increasingly popular option among business-minded individuals.

Kanat Sultanbekov is an experienced construction manager with 15+ years of expertise in the industry. His mission is to use his knowledge and experience to help people get the best possible results on their projects while ensuring safety and cost efficiency. Through risk assessment techniques, Kanat has become a master of project management as well as cost control. He also holds prestigious certifications from The Wharton School Aresty Institute of Executive Education at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Business School. Kanat believes that everyone deserves quality workmanship, which he strives for with every individual project by providing unique value for each customer. His commitment to excellence extends beyond professional life – he is an active supporter of the American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO) and The Good Dog Foundation (TGDF).


Exploring Gleenr: A New Frontier in Personal Insight Technology with Kanat Sultanbekov

Discover the Future of Personal Insight Technology with Kanat Sultanbekov

In today's world, we often find ourselves communicating more and more through online channels, lacking the emotional and physical cues that come with face-to-face interactions. It can be challenging to decipher the intended message behind someone's words, and misunderstandings are all too common. That's where Gleenr comes in as a bridge, providing a sophisticated emotional mapping software that helps us interpret non-verbal cues that can be easily missed in digital communication. Kanat Sultanbekov says with its ability to decode the emotions behind the words we hear, Gleenr offers a valuable tool for gaining clarity and peace of mind in our interactions, helping us to draw our conclusions about a person or situation. Thanks to Gleenr, we are better equipped to connect with others and strengthen our relationships, even in an emotionally and physically distant world.

Making important decisions can be tough, especially when they have far-reaching consequences. This innovative platform is dedicated to helping people make the best possible choices by providing valuable insights based on logic and scientific analysis. Whether you're trying to decide which career path to take, which school to attend, or even which car to buy, Gleenr provides the extra layer of support you need to make an informed decision. With its user-friendly interface and vast database of information, you can rest assured that you'll have all the tools you need to make the right choice. Gleenr is like a trusted friend that you can turn to whenever you need a little extra help sorting through a situation, and it's there to give you peace of mind, knowing that you've made a well-informed decision.

At Gleenr, their utmost priority is your privacy and safety. They take pride in our commitment to this fundamental value. After your results are posted, they do not archive or use the uploaded videos in any way. Their understanding is that not all situations are simple, and they urge you to always use their product in a safe space. At Gleenr, you can trust them to provide a secure and dependable service that values your privacy. They believe that safety and confidentiality are basic rights that everyone should have access to. They are proud to say that they deliver on this promise.

How does it work?

According to Kanat Sultanbekov, Gleenr is a cutting-edge software program that uses advanced algorithms to analyze non-verbal cues and physical attributes displayed in uploaded videos. By measuring facial micro-movements and other subtle changes, Gleenr can provide valuable insight into a particular person or situation, allowing you to better understand their emotions and thoughts. The results of their measurements, known as "the gleen," provide detailed information about how the person may be feeling at any given moment.

With this tool at your disposal, you can move forward in any situation armed with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions. Whether you're dealing with a difficult personal relationship or confronting a challenging work situation, Gleenr can help you gain the insight you need to make the best choices for yourself and those around you.

In today's world of virtual interactions, it's not always easy to discern whether someone is being sincere with us. It can be particularly concerning in instances where we have no opportunity to meet someone face-to-face. Even when we do have in-person meetings, it's not always possible to trust our instincts about a person. While Gleenr may not be the only resource available to you in terms of validating someone's sincerity, it can certainly offer you some valuable assistance. Its objective perspective and distance can help you make informed decisions that are safe and in your best interest. Whether you're feeling unsure about a person or situation, Gleenr can help provide the added information you need to make an informed decision.

What does Gleenr measure, and what does it tell you?

Gleenr software is an innovative tool that can track eye movements and facial muscles using scanning technology down to 4 layers deep. This information is applied to an algorithm that determines overall sincerity, with moment-to-moment measurements of satisfaction, anger, disgust, stress, excitement, and even neutral ambivalent emotions. However, the software doesn't stop there. Kanat Sultanbekov notes that it also tracks physical attributes such as changes in heartbeat, breathing, and blood pressure. It is important because physiological factors have long been associated with emotional responses and can be a tell-tale sign if something is simmering beneath the surface. By providing a roadmap of these responses, Gleenr can give you a heads-up if things are not what they seem. Gleenr is a valuable tool for anyone looking to gain deeper insights into human emotions and behaviors.

Kanat Sultanbekov is a construction manager who offers his expertise in project management, cost control, risk assessment, and strategic planning to ensure the safety and efficiency of projects. With over 15 years of experience in the industry and world-class workmanship, he continuously strives to become an industry leader. Kanat's commitment also extends beyond his professional life - as an active supporter of the American Childhood Cancer Organization and The Good Dog Foundation, he cares deeply about making a difference in these communities. His mission is to create value for others while remaining inspired by the potential that lies within each of us. His vision is to shape sustainable solutions that will benefit generations for years to come.


Exploring Gleenr: A New Frontier in Personal Insight Technology with Kanat Sultanbekov

Discover the Future of Personal Insight Technology with Kanat Sultanbekov

In today's world, we often find ourselves communicating more and more through online channels, lacking the emotional and physical cues that come with face-to-face interactions. It can be challenging to decipher the intended message behind someone's words, and misunderstandings are all too common. That's where Gleenr comes in as a bridge, providing a sophisticated emotional mapping software that helps us interpret non-verbal cues that can be easily missed in digital communication. Kanat Sultanbekov says with its ability to decode the emotions behind the words we hear, Gleenr offers a valuable tool for gaining clarity and peace of mind in our interactions, helping us to draw our conclusions about a person or situation. Thanks to Gleenr, we are better equipped to connect with others and strengthen our relationships, even in an emotionally and physically distant world.

Making important decisions can be tough, especially when they have far-reaching consequences. This innovative platform is dedicated to helping people make the best possible choices by providing valuable insights based on logic and scientific analysis. Whether you're trying to decide which career path to take, which school to attend, or even which car to buy, Gleenr provides the extra layer of support you need to make an informed decision. With its user-friendly interface and vast database of information, you can rest assured that you'll have all the tools you need to make the right choice. Gleenr is like a trusted friend that you can turn to whenever you need a little extra help sorting through a situation, and it's there to give you peace of mind, knowing that you've made a well-informed decision.

At Gleenr, their utmost priority is your privacy and safety. They take pride in our commitment to this fundamental value. After your results are posted, they do not archive or use the uploaded videos in any way. Their understanding is that not all situations are simple, and they urge you to always use their product in a safe space. At Gleenr, you can trust them to provide a secure and dependable service that values your privacy. They believe that safety and confidentiality are basic rights that everyone should have access to. They are proud to say that they deliver on this promise.

How does it work? According to Kanat Sultanbekov, Gleenr is a cutting-edge software program that uses advanced algorithms to analyze non-verbal cues and physical attributes displayed in uploaded videos. By measuring facial micro-movements and other subtle changes, Gleenr can provide valuable insight into a particular person or situation, allowing you to better understand their emotions and thoughts. The results of their measurements, known as "the gleen," provide detailed information about how the person may be feeling at any given moment. With this tool at your disposal, you can move forward in any situation armed with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions. Whether you're dealing with a difficult personal relationship or confronting a challenging work situation, Gleenr can help you gain the insight you need to make the best choices for yourself and those around you. In today's world of virtual interactions, it's not always easy to discern whether someone is being sincere with us. It can be particularly concerning in instances where we have no opportunity to meet someone face-to-face. Even when we do have in-person meetings, it's not always possible to trust our instincts about a person. While Gleenr may not be the only resource available to you in terms of validating someone's sincerity, it can certainly offer you some valuable assistance. Its objective perspective and distance can help you make informed decisions that are safe and in your best interest. Whether you're feeling unsure about a person or situation, Gleenr can help provide the added information you need to make an informed decision.

What does Gleenr measure, and what does it tell you? Gleenr software is an innovative tool that can track eye movements and facial muscles using scanning technology down to 4 layers deep. This information is applied to an algorithm that determines overall sincerity, with moment-to-moment measurements of satisfaction, anger, disgust, stress, excitement, and even neutral ambivalent emotions. However, the software doesn't stop there. Kanat Sultanbekov notes that it also tracks physical attributes such as changes in heartbeat, breathing, and blood pressure. It is important because physiological factors have long been associated with emotional responses and can be a tell-tale sign if something is simmering beneath the surface. By providing a roadmap of these responses, Gleenr can give you a heads-up if things are not what they seem. Gleenr is a valuable tool for anyone looking to gain deeper insights into human emotions and behaviors.

Kanat Sultanbekov is a construction manager who offers his expertise in project management, cost control, risk assessment, and strategic planning to ensure the safety and efficiency of projects. With over 15 years of experience in the industry and world-class workmanship, he continuously strives to become an industry leader. Kanat's commitment also extends beyond his professional life - as an active supporter of the American Childhood Cancer Organization and The Good Dog Foundation, he cares deeply about making a difference in these communities. His mission is to create value for others while remaining inspired by the potential that lies within each of us. His vision is to shape sustainable solutions that will benefit generations for years to come.


Pilots need experience, skills, and a careful eye to ensure passenger safety.

Pilots need experience, skills, and a careful eye to ensure passenger safety. Commercial pilots fly large aircraft, from major to regional airlines. | Kanat Sultanbekov

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