
Moadlc (Mel)

@moadlc / moadlc.tumblr.com

COMMISSIONS OPEN! 25, Bi, they/them; Buy me a cafecito! https://ko-fi.com/moadlc; Email: askmoadlc@gmail.com;


I'm still doing commissions in exchange for donations to the #blm movement! 100% of everything I receive through Kofi is donated to the movement, and if you still feel more comfortable donating yourself, you can do that for the amount of your commission and just show me evidence!!

I want to help motivate people to keep donating and help keep the movement alive! If you can't spare the $$, please fill out petitions.  Thank you for reading this far!! ❤🥰 Have questions?? Feel free to shoot me a DM or email: askmoadlc@gmail.com!!


VOTE IN YOUR LOCAL ELECTIONS FOR PEOPLE YOU ACTUALLY LIKE. Presidential candidates don't just fall fully formed out of the womb onto the campaign trail. They go through YEARS of a government career starting super local and working up through the chain. Voting in every election is how you finally get people you like into the ranks. But right now the people who show up to the small elections are those people with strong senses of civic duty who tend to be a lot more traditional democrat/republican (or very far right problematically) and vote for more of the same people you don't want because they can't envision anything else. Show up. Swing the votes. Find the people you want. Put them into rotation.


Misha Collins the king that you are

I love when this man gets away from CE cons


The more despair I endure in life, the more I love Frodo. I'm just. I'm so glad that Tolkien wrote him like that. He was a hero and it broke him. He was given too much to carry. The circumstances were dire, everyone was doing the best they could, and Frodo tried so hard, for such a good cause, and he...broke. And the narrative has pity for him, the characters show him kindness. Even after victory, his hurts did not heal, and it isn't considered his fault. He must go to the undying lands, to seek out peace there. In universe, he is forgiven for being human - don't be pedantic - and his great torment is recognized. He fell. He could not have done it alone. He is still a hero.

And, I think that's important.

“We set out to save the Shire, and we did… but not for me.”


centrist guy in 1970 seeing university anti-vietnam war protests in the news

The difference, of course, being that university students in the 1970s stood a good chance of being drafted, and therefore had a direct material interest in opposing the Vietnam war, because the war’s continuation could very well get them killed.

These students, by contrast, are taking a conflict that fundamentally isn’t about them and doesn’t involve them (with the exception of Palestinian-Americans and others with familial relationships in the conflict area), and using it as an excuse to play-act their revolutionary fantasies in a setting they know they’re safe to do so in, secure in the knowledge that push won’t come to shove in the form of something like a draft.

It’s also worth pointing out that the Vietnam protests could legitimately be described as anti-war. Judging by the tenor of these particular protests (and rhetorically analyzing the content of chants, posters, signs, etc.), this round of protest could, at best, be described as a mixed bag: in a “some of them are anti-war, for sure, but a non-insignificant number of them are really just fine with war, they’re only upset their side isn’t winning” way.


Here at Kent State the survivors of the 1970 shooting are going out of their way to support the student protesters. Keep their name out of your mouth.

If anything is "privileged," it's acting superior to an anti-war protest from the sidelines.


Drafting was not the only reason people protested. In the vietnam war, like now, universities were outsourced by the US to develop weapons. Agent Orange was developed in part by several major US universities. Students are protesting the use of their educational funds for military occupation. This makes complete and total sense, there is absolutely no justification for a University to supply resources for the destruction of lives and homes- doubly so when Israel has been bombing Gaza's schools while occupied.


fellas is it privileged to care about genocide even if you aren't directly impacted by it????


The whole point of privilege is that it's inevitable to have it, therefore you MUST USE IT to help those that lack it.


centrist guy in 1970 seeing university anti-vietnam war protests in the news

The difference, of course, being that university students in the 1970s stood a good chance of being drafted, and therefore had a direct material interest in opposing the Vietnam war, because the war’s continuation could very well get them killed.

These students, by contrast, are taking a conflict that fundamentally isn’t about them and doesn’t involve them (with the exception of Palestinian-Americans and others with familial relationships in the conflict area), and using it as an excuse to play-act their revolutionary fantasies in a setting they know they’re safe to do so in, secure in the knowledge that push won’t come to shove in the form of something like a draft.

It’s also worth pointing out that the Vietnam protests could legitimately be described as anti-war. Judging by the tenor of these particular protests (and rhetorically analyzing the content of chants, posters, signs, etc.), this round of protest could, at best, be described as a mixed bag: in a “some of them are anti-war, for sure, but a non-insignificant number of them are really just fine with war, they’re only upset their side isn’t winning” way.


Here at Kent State the survivors of the 1970 shooting are going out of their way to support the student protesters. Keep their name out of your mouth.

If anything is "privileged," it's acting superior to an anti-war protest from the sidelines.


Drafting was not the only reason people protested. In the vietnam war, like now, universities were outsourced by the US to develop weapons. Agent Orange was developed in part by several major US universities. Students are protesting the use of their educational funds for military occupation. This makes complete and total sense, there is absolutely no justification for a University to supply resources for the destruction of lives and homes- doubly so when Israel has been bombing Gaza's schools while occupied.


fellas is it privileged to care about genocide even if you aren't directly impacted by it????




Still one of my favorite photosets in the world. I always hope these two were as happy in life as they look in these photos.



The reason the work you’ve done on how you feel doesn’t seem like it’s working is because you need to do it until it works. It’s never been “this strategy will pull you up” it’s always been “here’s something you can do that will END with you getting out of that hole” the climbing still hurts and the being underground still hurts but that doesn’t mean it’s not working

*doing laundry* “this doesn’t feel better

*cooking meals* this doesn’t feel better

*exercising* this doesn’t feel better

*making art* this doesn’t feel better

*cleaning the apartment* this doesn’t feel better

*somewhere months or years down the line*

holy shit

It’s literally this. My friends get tired of hearing it, but “Hardwiring Happiness” by Rick Hanson is a great resource. It’s not “Yay, you should feel good!” it’s actual science.


u know someone’s about to get dragged through the mud when an academic uses the phrase ‘it’s tempting to assume’


“it’s tempting to assume” is academic speaking for “you might think, if you’re a fucking idiot,”


now that bedlund has basically confirmed that the writers (well at the very least him but it’s likely more) perceived destiel and wrote with destiel in mind, i am soooooo curious to know when this started??? how early did they realize there was possibly more complex feelings between deancas???? at the very least for bedlund it sounds like it was s5 but i bet there were hints of it as early as 4x07. hell maybe even right after 4x01?????


I think it would have been natural for at least some of the writers to have started considering the implications when it was decided to keep Cas instead of Anna.

Anna and Dean were supposed to be a romance. If Cas picked up Anna's role in the story, it makes sense at that some of that romance would carry over into Cas' storyline. And the righteous angel who sees the goodness in Dean and defies Heaven to fight by his side is a very romantic story.

It makes sense for the writers to think it might be fun to play with this a little, to lean into the bond Cas had with Dean. To maybe even want the question to float around in a viewer's mind when they're watching.

So I'd pick 4x10 Heaven and Hell for the point where it started. Dean kisses Anna, the camera moves to focus on Castiel's reaction. The simplest explanation for this is (and always has been) Castiel is uncomfortable because he's developing feelings for Dean.

But it's left ambiguous and never explained or addressed again. It's a shot designed to put questions in your mind, for fans to debate about. There's a multitude of potential meanings, that one of them is "it's exactly what it looks like" had to be something they understood when they made the episode.

This is also the episode where Castiel appears to have been demoted because of his feelings for Dean. Or at the very least reprimanded and ordered to distance himself. "You see, he has this weakness. He likes you."

It's been a while since I've seen season 4 so I could be wrong, but this episode always struck me as heavier on the subtext than prior ones. Where it really does feel designed to suggest there could be something more, as opposed to the characters just bonding and having tension.

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