Most number of online IT course certifications – cumulative
Where : INDIA When : AUG 01 2022
Writer : Manager HIT : 1,428

The most number of online IT course certifications – cumulative is 4,398 and was achieved by Govind Ramachandran (India) from March 2018 to January 2022. 


Online IT learning platforms he used include: Microsoft, AWS, Axelos, LinkedIn, CISCO, Skillsoft, Pluralsight, Google, IBM, and Udemy.



Official WRC Certificate (online)



“I did with learning spirit in the beginning, I never thought of record. Due to the love of learning which got me this much of course completions led to getting World Book of Records, India Book of Records, and Asia Book Records which thought me applying in World Record Committee too for setting a record,” he said.


With a love for learning, he has completed over 4000 online courses in IT fields within just 3 years. 


According to the evidence he submitted to the WRC Records team for the verification of this record title, the online courses he completed took as short as 10 minutes and as long as about 50 hours. 



Govind Ramachandran



To get a course certificate (in the form of certificates, completions, or badges), he had to take an exam at the end of the course, which he said was the most difficult.


Most of the courses he completed have lifetime validity, but some certifications, such as 'Azure Virtual Desktop Specialty' do have a validity period.


The record holder of the new world record title ‘Most number of online IT course certifications – cumulative’, he was born in 1995 and is currently a Systems Engineer at UST, a global digital transformation solutions provider.


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Govind Ramachandran 22-08-14 11:19
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