Ty Peurifoy born and raised in Philadelphia, Pa has found strength in turning tragedies into triumphs. As a lyricist, he specializes in freestyles that draw from his experiences. In 1995 he became Authentic, the rapper. Dropping his first freestyle project with instrumentals. His goals are to succeed and open doors for others in every walk of life while creating jobs and businesses and become a mogul in the industry.
My Favorite Lnks
Crossword clues Kreuzworträtsel Lösungen furby-furblets-bub bsiri-wooden-xo-blocks-l-tic-tac-toe-board-games educational-insights-kanoodle-3d-brain-teaser-puzzle-for-ages-7-brain-games-for-kids-and-adults nerf-pro-gelfire-ignitor-blaster orsen-85-inch-lcd-doodle-board-tablet-toy