<p>Foodeverywhere is a Food blog with a focus mainly on the unique gastronomy experiences by blogger/stylist- Sycookies. Founded by Sycookies, the blog is currently based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia alongside other social media platforms for daily updates. As an avid avocate of healthy lifestyle and posting not only food reviews, there are fresh contents with messages and tips for wellness. As a lifestylist, accentuating the beauty and primordial nature of these created contents are at utmost concern. Be it commercial or non commercially; the work also showcases editorial, food and prop styling, photography and recipe creation with aesthetic and design for lifestyle brands in the food related industry. At the same time, contents are mostly delivered with social conscience, with hope to raise the right question and curiosity for knowledge about cuisines of various heritage and cultures from all around the world in the most imaginative and accessible ways; whenever relatable as we travel around the world in pursue of culinary informations.&nbsp;</p>
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