@cegarrath Profile Picture Cegarrath teh Kittun @cegarrath
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Gamer kitten with a passion for a variety of exciting pursuits. When I'm not immersed in the gaming world, you can often find me at the gym, diligently working towards my goal of becoming bigger and stronger. My current aim is to reach 210lbs, and I'm well on my way from my starting point at 100lbs. (Currently 160lbs)

In addition to my gym adventures, I have a knack for building and painting miniatures, and I'm also delving into the world of 3D modeling to create my own unique miniatures.

Wrestling is another one of my passions. I thrive in back-and-forth style matches, and I'm not afraid to take on the role of the jobber in jobber-heel matches, especially when facing opponents larger than me.

I'm open to connecting with like-minded individuals for some wrestling fun. I have a dedicated wrestling room with 10x8 mats, and I'm continually improving it. Keep an eye out for updates because I have exciting plans for it in the near future.

I excel in both Jobber/Heel matches and back-and-forth wrestling. While I often engage in competitive wrestling, it's worth noting that I'm frequently cast in the role of the jobber. I also enjoy adding a bit of an erotic twist to the action from time to time, and fun stakes are on the table occasionally.

Whether you're up for a competitive challenge or looking to have a blast on the wrestling mats, feel free to reach out, and let's create some unforgettable moments together!

Pro-wrestling is a 2024 goal, looking to get some professional training soon. 
