Episode 10: Building Relationships and Hoop Dance Teachings with Sandra Lamouche


Sandra Lamouche is a Cree Woman from the Bigstone Cree Nation in Northern Alberta and married into the Piikani Nation in Southern Alberta. She presented a TEDx Talk on “The Beautiful Struggle Of Life and Other Hoop Dance Teachings.” In this episode, we talk about how hoop dancing has transformed Sandra’s life, and has led her down a path of being a public speaker, an Indigenous writer, and previously working in a school division. A central theme is relationship - how are we related to the people and world around us? How can we build trust in these relationships? And why are these relationships important? All of these answers and more are in this episode!

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Highlights & Takeaways

  • The symbolism of the hoop dance and how it represents the beauty and struggle of life

  • The role that interconnectedness and reciprocity play in relationships

  • Belonging is where you can be yourself and accepted for who you are, rather than needing to change yourself to fit in 

  • How Western colonial systems tend to prioritize being productive and very structured in meetings, as opposed to providing intentional time and space to get to know one another 

  • Things in life get complicated and messy before you sort through them, but in the end, it’s worth it

 Resources Mentioned


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Music by Meghan Rennie - Instagram / Soundcloud

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Episode 11: Seek Discomfort -Creating Connections Around the World with Jonnie Rozin


Episode 9: Meeting 100 Strangers Around the World with Ahmad Jabbir