Episode 9: Meeting 100 Strangers Around the World with Ahmad Jabbir


When the pandemic started and Ahmad Jabbir wasn’t able to go on any adventures for a long while, he challenged himself to virtually meet 100 strangers all around the world! In this episode, we chat about the inspiration behind this project and how hearing these stories from 89 different cities have impacted his life. He also opens up about his own story of overcoming bullying and social anxiety to get to where he is today. Looking for an inspiring conversation? This is it!

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Highlights & Takeaways

  • How hearing about other people’s stories was a wake-up call to how privileged Ahmad’s life was and it led him to be more grateful

  • His social psychology professor in university explaining that we dig deep down, we all have one core thought and how you can use journaling to challenge negative beliefs

  • How working hard towards one’s projects is like the growth of bamboo: the first four years, you won’t see anything, but then on the fifth year it grows 80 feet

  • Different parts of the world have different “excuses to connect”

  • There’s no right or wrong way to connecting

 Resources Mentioned


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Music by Meghan Rennie - Instagram / Soundcloud

Email: hello@excusestoconnect.com

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Episode 10: Building Relationships and Hoop Dance Teachings with Sandra Lamouche


Episode 8: Connecting and Networking in University with Kathleen Massey