Resolutions vs Reality

It’s resolution season!

At the end of every year, there’s no avoiding conversations about New Year’s resolutions. There’s something about the blank page of a new year that makes anything seem possible - even things you’ve been putting off for years.

Now that we’re near the end of January, though - how are your resolutions doing? 

setting goals on a planner

Commitment is hard!

It’s easy enough to make a list of things you hope to do in the new year. Whether it’s reading more books, working on your health and fitness or forming new friendships, everyone’s got something they want to achieve. 

New Year’s resolutions are a great way to put these goals on paper and prioritise them as you plan ahead. More often than not, though - life gets in the way, we run out of steam, and we find ourselves putting the same goals on our list to ‘try again next year’.

Goals are good

This doesn’t mean that there’s no point to resolutions! Many people thrive off of a new challenge, and it’s good to take the time to figure out what’s important to us.

However, some people avoid making resolutions because the potential for repeated ‘failure’ is too discouraging. The pandemic has also played its part: only 29% of Americans said that they would be making resolutions for 2022 - down from 43% in 2021. The constant state of uncertainty that we find ourselves in can make us all the more hesitant to commit to things long-term.

There’s always hope, though! We’ve put together four ways to reframe your resolutions and make them more sustainable - and achievable! Who knows, this might be the year that you surprise yourself

Break it down

Do you struggle to figure out how to put your dreams for the year into words? Or do you have no idea how to actually go about making them happen? Setting SMART goals might help!

You may already be familiar with the SMART acronym (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). Viewing your goals through this lens could help you break them into  small, actionable next steps that are less daunting. When you actively think about how your resolution fits into each SMART category, you can reframe it into something more sustainable for you!

post it notepads

Feel your feelings!

Struggling to make concrete resolutions in the first place? If planning in this way doesn’t come naturally to you, it might be difficult to pinpoint specific goals.

That’s okay! If you’re more of a dreamer or a big-picture thinker, try imagining how you want to feel in the coming year, then work backwards. For instance - do you want to feel more confident at work? Great - what makes you lack confidence?

Feel less-knowledgeable than your colleagues? You could aim to read up on relevant topics. Struggle to present your ideas clearly? Make ‘Take class on presentation skills’ a resolution! Feel your feelings and go from there. Bonus: using this approach could help you to dig deeper and discover what’s been holding you back, or make changes in your life that you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise!

Share the Load

Started strong, but feel the drive fizzling out? Maybe a support team is what you need!

Like most things in life, resolutions are harder when we go at them alone. Tell your friends and family your goals, and how you plan to achieve them. They can keep you accountable if they notice you veering off course and lend a listening ear when you’re feeling unmotivated. They’ll also be there to cheer you on when you need it, and celebrate your wins with you!

Better Together

Encouragement is great, but want extra inspiration? Why not rope your neighbours in! 

Maybe you want to run regularly? Find a neighbour to join you! It’s more convenient than travelling to run with friends who live elsewhere, and you can share your favourite routes around the estate. They’ll give you that extra push when you’re not feeling it and you’ll do the same for them. Pursuing shared goals with friends is great - but it’s even better when those friends live nearby!

friends playing basketball

Remember, there’s no timeline!

Resolutions are great, but ultimately, everyone goes through life at their own pace. Give yourself grace and prioritise what matters to you! The best part about resolutions is that you don’t have to wait for the new year to start - there’s never a right or wrong time to take steps towards your goals. 

Psst…want to find some young adult neighbours that may share the same resolutions as you? Be sure to sign up for a Friendzone event when we come to your ‘hood! You may just find a community that could make all the difference to your goals. 


Friends in Love


2021 Wrapped with Friendzone