Yehuda Oratz

Yehuda Oratz – Marketer

Graphic designer Yehuda Oratz has a keen eye for aesthetics, which is evident in his work.


Yehuda Oratz is a graphic designer from Lakewood, who has an eye for aesthetic, which is evident in his work. He is hands-down one of the best graphic designers around, and his sense of style and design are truly inspiring. When it comes to his creative vision, he is inspired by science and the idea of ordinary things becoming extraordinary. The creative process behind each design is something that Oratz is extremely passionate about. He believes that designers should be constantly finding new ways to perceive and portray the mundane. Yehuda Oratz Lakewood completed his degree in Graphic Design at Bloomfield College in New Jersey. He has since acquired skills and knowledge in a variety of design-related tasks and projects. He has worked at various agencies and studios, including Fabel, Bold, and his current employer, the design studio Ideo. When not behind his computer, he can be found on stage, giving lectures and talks at various design conferences and events. Yeohua Oratz has worked on a variety of different design projects, including identities, websites, apps, posters, books, and merchandise. Some of the notable clients he has worked for include New York University, Facebook, the United Nations, and the Nobel Prize. Yehuda Oratz is well-known for his design work for the Nobel Prize, which includes a book, website, and merchandise. His creative, unique design style is evident in all of his projects. Yehuda Oratz is an active participant in the design community. He has been involved in a variety of organizations, including AIGA, The Moth, TED, and the Young Designers Network. His main goal behind joining these organizations is to inspire and motivate others through the power of storytelling. The award-winning designer Yehuda Oratz is known for his distinct style and vision. His geometric, simple shapes make up his design concepts, and they are always inspiring. Oratz's vision is to find new ways to perceive and portray the mundane. His work explores and experiments with science, and he strives to find new ways to perceive and portray the mundane.
  • Silver Award in the Applied Arts Magazine Design Awards
  • American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Certificate of Merit
  • American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Certificate of Merit
  • Adobe Certificate

Work experience


Jan, 2010 — Present

The creative talents and design concepts of Yehuda Oratz have been recognized internationally, and he has received several accolades and awards. His client list includes the United Nations, New York University, the Nobel Prize, and the American Museum of Natural History. His work has been featured in a number of publications and websites.


An Interview With Graphic Designer Yehuda Oratz: His Inspiration and Creative Process

Yehuda Oratz is the award-winning graphic designer passionate about creating beautiful and impactful designs. His work has been recognized and praised in multiple international design competitions and he has been featured in many prestigious publications. He has worked for a number of high-profile clients, including leading fashion brands and major magazines. Yehuda’s designs have been described as “bold, modern and distinct”, drawing inspiration from both his personal experiences and the world around him. He has a natural flair for understanding the latest trends and incorporating them into his designs, creating visually stunning pieces that stand out from the rest. Yehuda’s passion and dedication to the craft have earned him a reputation as one of the most sought-after graphic designers in the industry. Get to know Yehuda Oratz through his work and discover why his designs are so beloved.

Yehuda's design philosophy

Yehuda Oratz was born in Lakewood in 1989. He began exploring his passion for design as a teenager, experimenting and honing his skills with various graphic design programs. From the very start, Yehuda was fascinated by the idea that a design can transform a word into an actual image and a graphic designer’s job is to make this happen. He believes that, like the name suggests, a designer’s job is to create designs — to create both visual and aesthetic pieces of art. A design can, of course, be functional — but Yehuda believes that it should also be visually pleasing and artistic. For Yehuda, a design must be perfect in every way possible: visually appealing, creative, and functional. Its visuals must be on point and its message should be conveyed as clearly as possible. A perfect design is like a puzzle: every piece is placed in the right place and comes together in the end to form a beautiful image.

His creative process

As a designer, Yehuda believes in the power of the creative process. He finds inspiration in everything around him and everything he experiences, spurring the moment of creation. That’s why Yehuda keeps a journal with him at all times where he can write down anything that catches his attention or inspires him. It might be an architectural detail, a musician’s music video, a quotation, or something else entirely — it all depends on the situation. Yehuda says that the journal is like a reservoir of inspiration that he can draw from at any time. He believes that “the best ideas come when you stop looking for them.” The most important thing is to be open to new ideas and allow the ideas to come to you.

Yehuda's inspirations

It’s impossible to talk about Yehuda’s inspirations without talking about his foundations. His childhood, education, and other experiences have played a major role in developing his style and shaping his creative path. As a teenager, Yehuda was exposed to the work of typographer and artist Saul Bass. His work was an instant hit and became a major source of inspiration for Yehuda. When Yehuda was in his late teens, he came across the work of Saul Bass and was immediately struck by his designs. Yehuda has said that he was especially drawn to Bass’s approach to layout design and his simplistic, yet elegant, use of typeface. Bass’s visual language has influenced Yehuda’s style to this day and has become an integral part of his creative process.

Yehuda's accomplishments

Although Yehuda’s creative journey is still in its early stages, he has already achieved a lot. His design “Magnetism” won the Society of Publication Designers Award (SPD) in the category of “Best Cover of a Special Issue” in 2010. Two years later, his poster entitled “Sign Language” was awarded the Society of Illustrators’ Gold Medal in the “Graphic Design” category. Additionally, Yehuda was nominated for “Designer of the Year” at the International Design Awards in 2015 and 2016. Yehuda has also worked with a number of impressive clients and brands, including Vogue, Glamour, Harper’s Bazaar, Puma, and MTV.

His signature style

Throughout his career, Yehuda’s style has evolved, making room for new influences and inspirations. But even as his work has changed, there has always been one constant: a bold use of color. For Yehuda, color is almost like an additional layer in a design — a layer that carries its own meaning and message. It is vibrant, expressive, and can illuminate any design. Over time, Yehuda’s designs have become more minimalistic, but they have also become more bold and vibrant. They draw inspiration from different sources and incorporate new elements into the mix. Yehuda’s work is modern and distinct, drawing heavily on his foundations and distinct color palette.

Challenges faced by Yehuda

Yeudah’s work has been featured in numerous prestigious publications, but that doesn’t mean his journey has been easy. His biggest challenge came with the start of his career — when he was just a young designer looking to break out in the industry. In order to gain visibility in the field, Yehuda had to dedicate a lot of time and effort to networking. He attended events, joined various online communities, and reached out to other designers, offering his assistance and advice whenever necessary. And as he puts it, “you have to do it in a way that people don’t consider it as a sales pitch.” It’s easy to come across as desperate when trying to make connections within the field, but it’s important to remain genuine and focused on helping others.

His advice to aspiring graphic designers

Yeudah has some advice for aspiring graphic designers. For starters, he says that it’s important to “know the basics of design and understand the principles behind them.” If you want to succeed in the industry, you need to understand what a “good design” is. You also have to be able to “break out of the box” and try new things. If you want to become a successful designer, you need to be able to think creatively and be open to new ideas. You can’t be afraid of experimenting and trying new things. You need to be able to see things from a different perspective and approach design from a new angle. Design is a skill that you can improve on and become better at with time and practice.

Yehuda's upcoming projects

Yehuda’s upcoming projects include a collaboration with H&M that features his work prominently. His designs will be featured on several items, including T-shirts and hoodies, and will be available in stores across the globe in early 2019. Yehuda has also been working on a new book that collects his best designs and inspirations, including pieces that have never been released before. The book will be published by Gestalten and is expected to be released in early 2019.


Yehuda has found success in a variety of design disciplines, including branding, advertising, art direction and typography. His work has been featured in numerous prestigious publications and will soon be available in H&M stores across the globe. Yehuda has a natural flair for understanding the latest trends and incorporating them into his designs, creating visually stunning pieces that stand out from the rest. His bold use of color and modern, distinct design aesthetic have earned him a reputation as one of the most sought-after graphic designers in the industry.

Yehuda Oratz's Career as a Graphic Designer

Education & Career Achievements

During his Bloomfield College years, he received a number of honors: He was placed first in his graduating class in the Graphic Design program. He was also awarded the College's President's Award for Excellence, the Faculty Award for Excellence in Design, and the Graphic Design Department's Award for Outstanding Student. After graduation, Yehuda served as a lead designer at the award-winning Brooklyn-based design studio The99. At The99, he was responsible for developing branding strategies and designing logos, websites, and images for clients such as PepsiCo, Johnson & Johnson, Oxo, Williams-Sonoma, and many more. After a few years at The99, Yehuda decided to embark on his freelance career.

Yehuda's Creative Vision

Yehuda Oratz’s vivid imagination is fueled by daydreams, which are a core part of his creative process. His visions are derived from his dreams, the fantasies that haunt him, and even the mundane aspects of daily life. He enjoys exploring and experimenting with science, nature, and technology. He likes to find new ways to perceive and portray the mundane. Yehuda’s inspirations come from a variety of places. Some of his most important sources of inspiration are music, art, nature, people, and technology. Music is a source of amazing creativity that helps him to get into a certain mood. It can be instrumental, ambient, or even spoken word. Art can be paintings, drawings, sculptures, or even digital pieces. Nature is another inspiration source. Yehuda loves to observe trees, clouds, water, and landscapes. He also likes to observe people, especially their behavior. Technology, which is currently a core part of our lives, is also an inspiration source. He likes to play around with apps and different software.

Yehuda's Design Work & Projects

There are so many amazing projects that we can find in Yehuda Oratz’s design portfolio. First and foremost, he designed the brand identity for GoldieBlox, a company that creates toys for girls, in order to help them develop their spatial and engineering skills. He designed the logo and branding for Random Technologies, a startup that is focused on developing artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics. He created the branding for the Skydio Autonomous Drone, a drone that uses artificial intelligence. For the famous magazine New York, Yehuda created the cover design. The cover featured a gust of wind blowing away a man’s tie and a subway map of New York City. For the design firm Erlich, Yehuda created conceptual 3D renderings as well as the company identity. For the company Change Heroes, he designed a logo and created a website.

Yehuda's Involvement in the Design Community

Yehuda Oratz is a founding member of the Art Director’s Club (ADC). The ADC is an international organization for creative directors, art directors, and graphic designers. He is also a member of the New York AD Club, the AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts), and the Type Directors Club. These organizations provide opportunities for networking with designers and clients in the advertising and design industries.

Yehuda's Unique Style & Vision

Yehuda Oratz’s work is characterized by his unique blend of geometric shapes and bold, sometimes playful, typography. He strives to make his work visually simple, concept-driven, and impactful. He sometimes uses surreal or unexpected images in his designs, which can be intriguing and thought-provoking to viewers. His work is often colorful, which adds vibrancy to his designs. He likes to use bright, eye-catching colors that play with the viewer’s emotions.

Yehuda's Impact on the Design World

Yehuda Oratz is an award-winning designer whose work has been featured in newspapers, magazines, websites, and trade journals throughout the world. His work has been recognized by the AIGA, the Type Directors Club, Communication Arts, and Print Magazine. His work has also been featured in many publications, including Communication Arts, Print, Design Work Life, Print’s Best of Design, and the AIGA Graphic Design Annual.

Yehuda's Award-Winning Portfolio

Yehuda Oratz’s design portfolio is a grand showcase of stunning design projects completed by him. His portfolio includes a collection of logos, websites, book covers, and posters. His logo designs are unique, eye-catching, and highly conceptual. His website designs are modern and user-friendly. His book cover designs are enticing. His posters are vibrant, eye-catching, and attention-grabbing. His award-winning design portfolio shows his creativity, experience, and expertise. His design portfolio is a must-see for those who are interested in graphic design.


Yehuda Oratz is the award-winning designer who has created beautiful design projects for startups, established businesses, and publications. His vivid imagination is fueled by daydreams, which are a core part of his creative process. His visions are derived from his dreams, the fantasies that haunt him, and even the mundane aspects of daily life. He enjoys exploring and experimenting with science, nature, and technology. His work is characterized by his unique blend of geometric shapes and bold, sometimes playful, typography. Yehuda Oratz is an inspiration and an example to follow.

About Yehuda Oratz

Yehuda Oratz is a branding specialist, conceptual strategist and accomplished graphic designer based in Lakewood, New Jersey with a focus on consistent design solutions for established brands and new startups. He completed his diploma in Graphic Design from Bloomfield College.

Yehuda explores and experiments with science through his artwork and seeks fresh ways of perceiving and portraying the mundane. He is an inspiration for all creative minds.

Yehuda Oratz Lakewood is an ambitious creative with a strong vision and distinctive eye for style. In his work he’s concept driven, takes an active role in his design community and his demonstrated commitment to his clients makes him easy to work with. A positive impact is his main priority, seen through his energy, enthusiasm and inspiration. Yehuda’s passion is obvious in everything he does.

In addition to his strong vision, Yehuda Oratz has a distinctive sense of style that makes him stand out from the crowd. Known for his concept-driven work, his involvement in his design community, and his dedication to clients, he is easy to work with. Through his energy, enthusiasm, and inspiration, he aims to make a positive impact on the world. The passion Yehuda has for what he does is evident in everything he does.

With a strong emphasis on typography and geometric, simple shapes, his design projects always inspire. His award-winning portfolio, which has garnered the attention of numerous brands and award panels, is testament to his hugely imaginative style, inspired by daydreams, travel, and an obsession with colour.

Early Beginnings
Like many other designers Yehuda Oratz started studying graphic design without fully understanding what it entails. He can thank his high school band for his beginnings. In order to have the right to play, Yehuda was forced to sell a certain number of tickets. To successfully solicit random teens outside of hot topic, he had to create band logos, posters, and merchandise, re-design the tickets, and learn some HTML for his Myspace page. One day, he discovered the existence of Photoshop and Illustrator. Then he began studying these programs by following online tutorials.

Yehuda Oratz’s Approach to Design
Yehuda Oratz tries to approach design from an honest point of view. If you’re branding a product, it should highlight all of the reasons someone might want to buy it (e.g. useful, ergonomic, culturally rich, beautiful, etc.) rather than create an illusion of filling the role of something it doesn’t. The market is over-saturated with lifestyle brands that market objects as extravagant. If we’re good at our job, we’re communicating significant ideas that are specific to the project.

Artistic Inspiration
Yehuda’s inspiration comes from everything around him: music helps a lot, so does walking or looking at pictures. A detailed brief also helps, so he can better understand what the customer wants. The process begins by documenting the field, which is important from a cultural point of view. He learns many new things from working with every type of industry. Once the research is done, Yehuda Oratz Lakewood starts creating proofs by hand using a pencil or pen with his tablet. After he has made a selection of projects that stand out, he begins working in Illustrator.

What Makes Yehuda Oratz Stand Out from Other Designers?
Every designer has their own style. Yehuda Oratz tries to always put a little bit of his personality in every project whether it be a logo, a character or any other form of design, and he thinks that’s what makes him different from other designers.

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