Introducing #175 - The Fountain

The Fountain 2 by Carlos Duro Yague.jpeg

Let us introducing you to London based The Fountain who have just released their new track ‘Heart of a Woman’. Having met at Goldsmiths University in late 2020, they decided to form a band during the Covid-19 pandemic, they band is named after an Eugene O’Neill play and they blend a sound of dark electronica and alternative pop. They took a moment to talk to us about their music. 

Hey there The Fountain, how are you? So you have recently released your new track - ‘Heart of a Woman’. Can you tell us what it is about?
Alex - It echoes perfectly ‘Heart of a Woman’s sentiment of empowered femininity somehow, so it felt like the perfect name for a band. We also like the idea of the fountain of life, knowledge, light… fountains are often seen as a source of hope in literature and poetry. In the midst of the pandemic, we saw this project as something to look forward to, so the name was the perfect fit.

You started the band during the global pandemic, what struggles did you encounter?
Cal - Well we were supposed to release the single last April but the first lockdown put an end to that, we wouldnt have been able to rehearse or record properly so it made sense to wait a bit. The weird thing about it is weve had a whole year of writing new stuff and moved the sound on quite a bit, Im doing a lot more writing on guitar for example.
Alex - We were all located in different parts of the world during lockdown so for most of the pandemic we have not been able to meet up and rehearse, work, or write together. At the same time though, starting this band during the pandemic was also a blessing, because it allowed us to mature the project.

Where are you based? What are your favorite things to do there?
Alex - We are all based in South London so when we meet we normally hang out around there.
We normally meet to grab a drink in local pubs around the area or rehearse in rooms around New Cross. Since we started the band during lockdown it’s only been a couple of months since we could start hanging, which has been super fun!

What are your key influences when it comes to your music?
Cal - We take from all sorts, we all read a lot so a wide range of literature informs the lyrics, I’m reading By Grand Central Station I Sat Down And Wept at the moment and would love for the lyrics to be as readable
of the page as something like that. Musically we flit between guitar led songs that tend to be more sparse
and electronic productions that have a more expansive quality.

How would you describe your sound to someone who has never listened to your music before?
Cal - Ambient electronics, honest lyrics and a positive message.