validated to your core.

  • It felt like all the puzzle pieces fell into place and I could rest in the fact that "I make sense" - which to me, is one of the most powerful feelings.

    Meagan, 6/2 Sacral Manifesting Generator

  • My reading made me feel seen and heard, and also (unexpectedly) gave me permission to release some pressure and expectations I put on myself, because it made me feel like some things about my temperament or life weren't at odds with who I should be, or flaws to be fixed, but rather unique elements of what makes me me that I can work with instead of against.

    Tiffany, 2/4 Sacral Generator

  • I experienced a lot of aha moments and reassurance that being my unique self is not a liability - It’s something to embrace and lean into. Dylan’s acceptance of the human condition creates a warm environment; It’s very easy to talk with her.

    Kelley, 3/5 Sacral Generator

  • I feel so much lighter after our chat! I found the information highly resonant, helpful and applicable. Now I know why I've been feeling so disconnected all the time. It's as if Dylan shined a spotlight onto all the little glimmers of insight into myself that I've been squelching for the longest time.

    Erica, 6/3 Emotional Manifestor

  • I left our session feeling much more accepting of my whole self. It was wonderful to learn that the areas of my life that I previously considered to be problematic or abnormal, were actually my gifts to the world.

    Deidre, 3/5 Sacral Manifesting Generator

  • I was a jumble of nerves inside. This is all very new to me and outside of my scope of knowledge/comfort. From the first moment to the last, Dylan brought warmth, humor, and honesty. She was incredibly well spoken and truly listened. The time went by so fast but we were able to uncover things that may help provide some clarity; I'm grateful for the insights and practical encouragements she offered.

    Jamie, 1/3 Emotional Projector

  • I left the experience feeling more calm, at peace, and hopeful about my future knowing that so many of the things I was resisting or fighting against internally are all areas I can be more accepting and embracing of.

    Erum, 4/6 Emotional Manifestor

  • Dylan took some of the aspects I'd seen on my chart that meant nothing to me and brought them to life in such a relevant way. The way she described each aspect felt so approachable and resonant—I felt like there were questions I didn't know I had about myself that were answered on this call.

    Nikkita, 5/1 Sacral Generator

  • Above all, I felt validated. A lot of the qualities I had considered weaknesses now show themselves in a different light. Things that I thought I was lacking are now just things that I am fine with not having. I appreciate the gentle approach Dylan had throughout the entire reading - it really made me feel at ease and allowed me to be curious.

    Elina, 4/6 Splenic Projector

  • I, like Dylan, have ADHD and had never had someone describe my multi-passionate self as something intentional. I have always viewed it as a shortcoming and not as something part of a greater design. It felt empowering to be able to shift that narrative and think "I'm not damaged goods or have a factory defect, I was intentionally created to think and feel this way."

    Gwen, 4/6 Emotional Manifesting Generator

  • It’s been a week since my reading, and I’ve already noticed differences in my ability to make decisions and problem solve. Learning about my human design has helped me lean into my strengths, but also avoid my weaknesses. It’s not only OK to do things a certain way, but perhaps you are truly meant to do it that way.

    Brooks, 3/6 Sacral Manifesting Generator

  • It helped me feel more at peace with myself (and with others, actually, who I might otherwise find baffling or frustrating at times) and it gave me ideas for how to give myself the tools (and space) I need to live more in tune with who I am and with my own inner wisdom.

    Anne, 3/5 Emotional Manifesting Generator

  • Dylan has a super power to both decipher and interpret a human design chart in a way that makes sense and is also empowering to the receiver. Both my husband, child, and myself got to learn more about our HD and how we function in life. We walked away with a deeper understanding for each other, and even a few ways to look at the world (and decisions) that work for us. Everything was so spot on that it was eerie!

    Ali + Family

  • I heard it as permission to be myself - to truly honor who I am at the core, unapologetically.

    Jen, 2/5 Sacral Manifesting Generator

you make a lot of sense to me.

I chat with all types of folks to help demystify what their various human design aspects mean and how they can be used day-to-day to make better decisions, prevent burn out, and connect more successfully with the people around them.

  • A reading is a 60 minute video call where we cover the following ground as it relates to your current life:

    • type (the energy you have for your day + your general role in society)

    • strategy (the way you connect with your best opportunities)

    • authority (the wisest part of you + your inner decision maker)

    • profile (how to align with your life’s purpose)

    • definition (how you process information + work with others)

    • open centers (sensitive areas where you become wise)

    • defined centers (your consistent + impactful areas)

    • channels (the gifts + unique tools you were born with)

125 Completed readings as of April 2024

I’m Dylan, your friendly neighborhood projector, here to guide you through the weird world of human design; I help make it (and you) make sense.