RHYTHM PILATES is an exciting fusion of study and disciplines, incorporating Pilates, Yoga & Dance. Pilates is the technique, Yoga is designed to free the spirit and Dance infuses beauty into the movements. An exciting new form of mat Pilates that expands on the traditional method by incorporating fluid transitions into whole body integrated movement art workout sequences that are choreographed to music. Lisa's goal was to increase the enjoyment of Pilates without diluting the true form of the method or sacrificing the intensity and focus of the work.

Teacher Training Course






What is Rhythm Pilates?


Rhythm Pilates is an evolutionary approach whereas taking static movements and transforming them into a series of 30-minute invigorating Pilates based workouts. Varying in levels and complexity, from the beginning level, to the intermediate and developing to the advanced level work. The sequencing is thoughtfully created to target the whole body, intelligently working to biomechanically prepare the mind, muscles, joints, tissues and the spirit.

Coordinating the original six principles of the Pilates method and highlighting the elements of rhythm and flow, Rhythm Pilates offers a heightened and challenging experience for even the most seasoned instructor. It is scientifically proven that one increases their metabolic rate by incorporating motivating and uplifting music while working out. The music selected enhances the work and encourages a more stimulating physical and mental experience.

A few example workouts

“Rhythm Pilates is a thoughtful way at how you go from beginning to end. It is not simply exercise after exercise, but rather a choreographed pathway that takes your body through one experience to the next in logical and artistic avenues of movement and energy.”

- Livi Kerszenbaum, RP Author and Model


  • A moderately paced class incorporating over 60 invigorating exercises with transitions to introduce your body to Rhythm Pilates. All aspects of your muscular structure will be adequately worked and you will familiarize your brain and body with the power of adding music to movement; thus promoting harmony and flow.

  • The second workout in the series picks up the pace a bit and offers over 80 full-body, functional exercises which layer on top of Harmony and continue to focus on postural elements, self-awareness and discipline. Experience high energy beats, designed with intention and seamless progression.

  • On the Rise culminates with over 70 exercises with efficient transitions and incorporates detailed choreography which crescendo’s routinely throughout the workout. The challenging advanced level sequencing involves coordination and pacing while keeping in mind control and functional elongation. Dynamics are intensified for a heart-pounding workout without sacrificing the essence of the modalities that inspire Rhythm Pilates.

How do you become a Rhythm Pilates Instructor?


Participating in this training will be a profound experience. Although all fitness levels are welcome, the work is intended for those already working in the field of fitness or movement. The program focuses on expanding current knowledge while delivering complete instruction for beginning, intermediate and advanced Pilates exercises and routines in a faster paced format.

To become a licensed Rhythm Pilates instructor, you must attend a 12 hour Primary Instructor Training Course. Following the course, you send in a video, within 3 months, of you teaching Rhythm Pilates choreography at the level you choose, which is then reviewed by Lisa Hubbard. Once you recieve your passing written report and certificate, you are able to use the Rhythm Pilates brand to market and advertise your classes. To maintain your license, you must attend a Master Class once every other year. Cost is $250.

  • At no time is any individual allowed to use the Rhythm Pilates name or material without having received their passing written report and certificate.

    The given choreography must be presented as Rhythm Pilates property. Other choreography may be considered with approval. The music is considered Rhythm Pilates property, as it has been paid for and may not be duplicated in any other format.

“Music changes the way we move by offering a kind of support that words and knowledge can't provide. In the Pilates and GYROTONIC® worlds today, new musical formats are sprouting up and giving us all a chance to reach a different place in our practice.”

- UP Studio Owner, Alicia Head

Top ten most popular.

Rhythm Pilates has been amongst the top ten most popular classes on Pilates Anytime since it's release in September of 2010. Pilates Anytime invited Lisa to talk about Rhythm Pilates and its benefits.