
No goods or services are provided in exchange for this contribution. ReThinkPennStationNYC is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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Fifty years ago, the original Penn Station was demolished in a short-sighted plan that is now considered a civic disaster. Today, I am dedicated to preventing another such mishigas. Responding to the clamor to do something, the cadre of the business-as-usual permanent government got to work.  As could be expected, they produced a plan that squanders billions but expends little imagination in their creation of a soul-crushing, fifties-style urban development.

At ReThinkPennStationNYC, we have spent countless hours studying the issues surrounding Penn Station. Our plan is different. We refuse to destroy a neighborhood. Our solution includes through-running, essential for efficient train travel in the modern era.

We want to rectify the misguided mistake of the past and construct a new, above-ground, sunlit Penn Station. This new station will be modeled after the classic Penn Station but updated for 21st-century travel needs.

I invite you to join us in supporting our vision.

Sam Turvey, Chairperson, ReThinkPennStationNYC


No goods or services are provided in exchange for this contribution. ReThinkPennStationNYC is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.