Are you an individual looking to change your relationship with money and move more in alignment with your values?

Are you an organization looking to support your staff during this current economic crisis?

These workshops were created for you.



A white graphic on purple background of a large computer monitor.


Single workshops on personal finance with a justice-oriented, trauma-informed lens for organizations looking to support
their staff.

A white graphic on purple background of a person sitting facing the viewer behind a laptop screen..


A series of 3-6 workshops on personal finance with a trauma-informed lens. This series allows time to dive deeper into your relationship with money + unplugging from capitalism.


A white graphic on purple background of a white microphone.


Learn with a small group of 6-10 likeminded people about aligning your finances with your values, as you unpack your personal relationships with money together in community.

Workshops help create a generative, engaging learning environment that encourages learners to explore and ask questions they might otherwise avoid.

These workshops are ideal for groups of 30 or fewer, are two hours in length, can be in-person or remote, and are facilitated by Sareeta. Workshops include a variety of light-hearted and purposeful activities that aim to facilitate unpacking your understandings of capitalism and money trauma, where these come from, and how we can expand and enrich our perspectives on them.

Upon request and consultation, Sareeta can personalize workshop activities to meet your specific needs and priorities, or even plan additional workshops on topics of your choice.

What They’re Saying

  • "I appreciate that your course is not just about numbers and budgets; it's about fostering a mindset shift. Through your guidance, I now feel more comfortable and confident thinking and talking about money, breaking free from a societal taboo."

    Financial Support Group Participant

  • "One of the most remarkable aspects of your coaching is the way you address the scarcity mindset without shaming. Coming from a background where discussing finances openly was discouraged, your calm and patient approach made me feel comfortable enough to open up about my money-related discomfort. The intimate class setting, coupled with your encouragement for questions, created a safe space for learning and growth."

    Justinne R., Financial Support Group Participant

  • "I thought Sareeta presented really well and was easy to understand sharing so much information, but not overwhelmingly. Her answers to the Q&A were also helpful. "

    Presentation Attendee

  • "For anyone seeking a financial course that is encouraging, non-judgmental, and socially aware, I wholeheartedly recommend Sareeta's coaching. Thank you for empowering me to take control of my financial well-being and for creating a space where learning and growth flourish."

    Financial Support Group Participant



Workshop, virtual (singular)


Workshop, in person (singular)


Workshop Series (6)


Presentations (industry)


Presentations (non-profit)


Recording, 14 days


Recording, 1 year


Extra Fees



Travel - Zone 1
(Vancouver, Burnaby)


Travel, Zone 2
(Within Metro Vancouver)


Travel - Zone 3
(Outside Metro Vancouver)




Pay It Forward

5% max $2,000


Get trauma-informed, value-centred coaching to help you, your staff, or your organization use your resources in a way that is in alignment with your values.