To Emily, there really is no such thing as a Gruffalo

Too many children in Scotland do not have books at home. Books bring magic, comfort and joy. Donate now to give the magic of books to a child like Emily.

The Gruffalo © Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, 1999, 2022. Reproduced with kind permission of Macmillan Children’s Books.

Books for all

The only books that children like Emily have are the ones given to them by Scottish Book Trust. Because of the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, the situation has worsened. Without books, children are missing out, and the impact of this lasts a lifetime. Books bring families together, comfort children and inspire joy. They help children understand the world, do well at school and broaden their horizons.

Sharing the joy of books

Scottish Book Trust delivers programmes and outreach work designed to support a love of reading in children, families and adults through all life stages. Your donations will help deliver more life-changing work. This includes creating specialised kits to support families to share stories, songs and rhymes with their children, sending tactile books to children with additional support needs, and gifting books to families who need them most through food banks and community hubs.

Learn about our appeal

How you've helped

With your support, Scottish Book Trust aims to help everyone in Scotland access books and all the benefits they bring through reading and writing. Here's just some of what we have accomplished together:

  • Our work reaches all 32 local authorities in Scotland every year, from the Borders to the Highlands and Islands
  • More than 100 people living with dementia and their loved ones are supported to share reading together and strengthen their relationships through Reading is Caring annually
  • 8.8 million+ books to date have been gifted to support children and families across Scotland
  • 165 titles by our New Writers Awards alumni have been published since 2009
  • 3000+ teachers, librarians and other learning professionals supported each year to share the magic of books and reading in a variety of settings

Too many children in Scotland do not have books at home. Books bring magic, comfort and joy. Donate now to give the magic of books to a child like Emily.

Donate now