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Hamilton’s restaurant industry is focused on giving back during COVID-19

Our hospitality industry is struggling, yet altruism and open hearts prevail with an explosion of goodwill, writes Diane Galambos.

3 min to read

Dr. Abdu Sharkawy, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Toronto, is concerned about what we are “telling our kids when faced with a threat. Instead of reason, rationality, open-mindedness and altruism, we are telling them to panic, be fearful, suspicious, reactionary and self-interested. Facts, not fear. Clean hands. Open hearts.”

Our hospitality industry is struggling, yet altruism and open hearts prevail with an explosion of goodwill. Here are only a few stories.


Dundurn Market produce bags.


Tyler Misiak, Nathan Ehler and Manny Ferreira from One Duke Restaurant.


Gnocchi Alfredo from the Loch Side Bar and Lounge.

Diane Galambos
Diane Galambos is a food blogger and restaurant reviewer. She is a freelance contributing columnist for The Hamilton Spectator.

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