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ENG: Join us in crowdfunding for aza. Your donation provides essential aid: such as water, food, medications, and shelter, to those affected by the crisis. Every contribution makes a difference! πŸ‰ ❀️

ITA: Unisciti a noi nel crowdfunding per aza. La tua donazione fornisce aiuti essenziali: come acqua, cibo, medicinali e riparo, a coloro che sono stati colpiti dalla crisi. Ogni contributo fa la differenza! πŸ‰ ❀️

FRA: Rejoignez-nous pour le financement participatif pour aza. Votre don permet d'apporter une aide essentielle : eau, nourriture, mΓ©dicaments et abris aux personnes touchΓ©es par la crise. Chaque contribution fait la diffΓ©rence! πŸ‰ ❀️

ESP: Únase a nosotros en la campaΓ±a de financiaciΓ³n colectiva para aza. Su donaciΓ³n proporciona ayuda esencial, como agua, alimentos, medicamentos y refugio, a los afectados por la crisis. Β‘Cada contribuciΓ³n marca la diferencia! πŸ‰ ❀️

πŸ‰ Donate to our network of fundraisers

"But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians".

Nelson Mandela at International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Pretoria, South Africa, on 4th December 1997.


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