We prepare the programmers of the future.

Recruit them today!

☎️ 787-296-9300

📧 ellen.calabrese@holbertonschool.com

Did you know?

- Holberton Coding School Puerto Rico opened our San Juan, PR campus in 2020.

- 3 cohorts of software development students graduate every year.

- Our alumni are employed at top companies such as Lockheed Martin, Evertec, Perceptyx, and AbartysHealth.

- After graduating with the Fullstack Software Engineer certificate, many of our students go on to specialize in Machine Learning, AR/VR, or Cyber Security.

-Reach out to our graduates directly or for intros, email Career Services at ellen.calabrese@holbertonschool.com

My Favorite Lnks
Crossword clues Kreuzworträtsel Lösungen taco-cat-goat-cheese-pizza toysmith-tech-gear-multi-voice-changer furby-furblets-bub nerf-pro-gelfire-ignitor-blaster transformable-fidget-spinners