Welcome to the IFM - Interactive Film and Media Annual Virtual Conferences, a hub of innovation, collaboration, and exploration at the intersection of storytelling and technology. In an era where narrative forms are transcending traditional literature and embracing digital mediums, we find ourselves amid a vibrant evolution of content that invites active collaboration. We aim to forge a collaborative community that transcends borders and disciplines.

The VII Interactive Film and Media Conference 2025 (June 10-13, 2025) will be focused on captivating and multifaceted theme of "RESONANCES."

Resonance is the ability to form deep, meaningful connections that provoke thoughts, evoke emotions, and stimulate the senses through personal images and memories, often drawing on an individual or community’s lived experiences. This concept is intrinsically linked to the dailiness of our lives—our routine encounters and personal interactions that shape our subjective cognitions and the associations we form with others. In our contemporary society, the increasing pace of life challenges our ability to engage in deep, interpersonal connections, leading to a decline in the meaningfulness of our communications. Yet, through these daily interactions, resonance finds its most potent expression. 

The conference will be held online and no fee is charged for presentation and attendance at this conference or publication in the journal. 

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