Hey everyone,

Our Lnk.Bio community has grown to a million strong! It's a big number, sure, but what it really means is a million stories, a million dreams, and a million reasons to celebrate.

From the get-go, we decided to spend zero dollars on marketing and advertising, relying solely on word of mouth  from our community for growth. And, wow, did you all come through. Each one of you, with your unique Llnks and stories, has helped shape what Lnk.Bio is today—a vibrant, bustling community that continuously adapts to stay dynamic.

While growing, we've remained true to our values: as a black-woman-owned-and-led business, diversity and equity are at our core. The free upgrade program for activists that we started back in 2016 has never stopped; we continue to provide all the tools activists need to reach equity and diversity for free. We have also never given in to corporate greed by not having increased our prices for single-accounts users since 2016 while still providing more and more features, even in the free accounts.

Reaching this milestone is a lot like looking around at a party you've thrown, realizing that the room is full, and thinking, "We did this together!”. It's about every late night, every line of code, every suggestion received and implemented, every support chat, and every story shared.

So, here's to you, to us, and to the million connections we've made. Here's to the businesses that have grown, the artists who've been discovered, and the creators who've created amazing content. But most importantly, here's to the journey ahead. Because, while a million is a pretty sweet number, the stories we can tell and the connections we can make are infinite.

In the next few days, we'll privately reach out to some of our top users to offer free upgrades, freebies, etc. And by top users, we don't mean celebrities or huge international brands. We mean those who contribute continuously with amazing suggestions or by engaging with us on social media, or by chatting with our customer service to improve Lnk.Bio.

Thank you again for being a part of this adventure. Let's keep the Lnks coming and the stories flowing.
Here's to the next million!

With all the warmth and gratitude in our hearts,

Your Lnk.Bio Team💜- we’re so over the mooooon 🌕